The Gift of Salvation
By Carol Nuelle
Madison, Wisconsin - USA
- Luke 1:67-80
- Luke 2:25-38
The fact that we have salvation for our sins is truly the gift that keeps on giving!
Each day is an opportunity to be grateful for such a gift.
Part of the fun of gift giving and receiving is the anticipation. At Christmastime, there is hope, wonder, and excitement. When it comes to the promise of the Messiah, God spent thousands of years preparing the people for this awesome gift. For the Jewish nation at the time, anticipation of the savior was cultural. Everyone was emotionally connected to the promise of God that a savior would be sent to rescue them.
One of the ways you know Jesus’ arrival was important to God is the many different announcements that were made.
Read Luke 1:67-80.
First, John the Baptist, is put on a mission from the womb, to be a prophet and prepare the way for Jesus. John lives his life in the desert, set apart from the pressure of the world to keep his focus on his God-given mission. This makes John a part of the gift of salvation.
Second, an angel appears to Mary to announce she will be giving birth to the holy one called the Son of God.
Third, Elizabeth, her cousin, also announced that Mary is the mother of her Lord (Luke 1:43).
Fourth, an angel of the Lord announces to some shepherds the arrival of the gift, “A Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord” (Luke 2:11)
Fifth, when Mary and Joseph bring baby Jesus to Jerusalem for the time of purification, we see two more people recognizing Jesus as the gift of salvation.
Read Luke 2:25-38.
Sixth, Simeon knew looking at baby Jesus was seeing salvation and the light to the people.
Seventh, Anna, who lived in the temple worshipping God day and night, knew Jesus was the salvation of Jerusalem.
Do we see all that God is doing to announce the Savior of the world?! He uses many different and unique people and situations to make sure the word gets out that God is sending His Savior.
What do all these people have in common? They were overjoyed at the coming of God’s salvation.
Are you overjoyed at your salvation or has it become too familiar?
When I became a disciple 33 years ago, I was thrilled about my salvation. Just being a Christian was a gift enough. I want to remember those feelings and attitude of gratitude that I had, especially when my faith grows weary in challenging times.
“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which must be saved.”
Acts 4:12
This gift of salvation and knowing Jesus is all we need.
Questions for Reflection:
Ask yourself…
Am I still looking and acknowledging Jesus as my salvation? What sometimes causes me to take my salvation for granted?
How can gratitude for my salvation help me to be more focused and mission-minded like John the Baptist?
Am I surrendered like Mary to the purpose God has for me?
How is my worship of God? Am I giving my all like Anna did so I can recognize Jesus working in my life?
Today I Will:
Spend some time in prayer and meditation today, reflecting on the amazing thought and realization that we, too, get to be a part of the gift of salvation. We are the light (Matthew 5:14), announcing and pointing the way to Jesus, in this dark world!
About the Author:
Carol was so grateful to celebrate 33 years of being a disciple on Dec 8! She also just celebrated 30 years of marriage with her husband, Tom. Together they lead the Madison (Wisconsin) church and have two adult children, Joy and Luke, who are disciples. Carol loves piano, her dog, and hiking.
Dec 25, 2024, 11:29:56 AM
Darius Simmons - What a powerful devotional, Carol! Thank you. I am challenged by your devotional to be more focused and mission-minded like John the Baptist was. Thank you. God bless you.
Dec 25, 2024, 6:24:46 AM
Debra K - Thank you, Carol!, I want to remember this and have an ongoing sense of gratitude about what my salvations means.
Dec 24, 2024, 12:41:27 PM
Joy Nuelle - What a great quiet time on the gift of salvation! Grateful for this reminder during the holiday season
Dec 23, 2024, 10:55:58 AM
Heidi Ammons - What beautiful words written by someone who is overjoyed not only for her own salvation, but also sharing it with others!