Counting the Cost
Clara Welsh, Australia
Luke 14:28-33
This is a familiar verse to me. This is the scripture I studied when I counted the cost before I became a disciple. Like the scripture, to build a house or tower, I need to estimate the cost and see if I have enough money to do it. I like how the bible suggests that we should think before we make our decision to become a disciple. This is what Jesus said to the crowd who were following Him. If I were Him, this definitely isn’t what I would choose to say if I wanted them to follow me. What he said could have discouraged many people from following him. Jesus gets straight to the point. He has no interest in pleasing people or popularity. However Jesus didn’t just want many people to follow him. Many people who were following Jesus were attracted by the miracles that Jesus had performed. What he said would deter some people but at the same time will sort out quality followers. The cost here does not merely mean financial costs.
In verse 33 – “those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.” – Jesus is rephrasing what it means to follow him. The cost of following him is much more than what most people think, basically giving up everything. What does this mean to me? This means to surrender my life completely to him. Jesus is a great example of total submission.
Philippians 2:6-8 – Surrendering my life to Jesus means to imitate how Jesus had lived: love God, and people around me, save the lost (reaching out), help the needy, serve the people, community, say no to evil temptation.
In my life as a disciple of more than 20 years, I have experienced many ups and downs, at times stumbled, and made many mistakes. When I was baptised 30 years ago, I wasn’t quite ready to follow Jesus by giving up everything. Even after baptism, I still loved the world and pursuing my own dreams. And this caused lots of spiritual conflicts and hindered my spiritual growth. Consequently I gradually drifted away from relationship with God. I thought my life would be freer and easier if I were not a disciple. This was a complete lie that Satan kept on whispering into my ear. Instead of freedom, I felt emptiness and insecurity. Because I know the truth that there is God, judgement and life after death. I felt my life was like an unfinished house or the salt that lost its saltiness which is useless.
God allowed me a second chance to live as a disciple in year 2000. I wish I can say my life has been fantastic since then. I found life as a disciple isn’t getting any easier. However, I don’t regret my decision to follow him again. I believe God uses difficulties and challenges to refine and mold me into the likeness of Jesus. Hebrew 2:10 – As my salvation is according to God’s plan, suffering through various life challenges is also God’s plan to bring us to glory. Therefore I now have a different perspective of suffering as an opportunity to grow, and that helps me to have a joyful attitude about it.
reflection questions
• What will it take for you to make it to the end of your life as a disciple? Have you thought through that cost recently to make sure you are ready for trials ahead?
• What things are hard for you to give up for God? Is there anything in your life that you have taken back from him, even though you promised to give up everything when you were first baptised? Talk about those things with God, and apologise for going back on your promise. Then remember his mercy! And ask him for help to give them up again.
Mar 8, 2022, 8:53:27 AM
Fornessa Randal - Great question. "What will it take for you to make it to the end of your life as a disciple?" Thanks for sharing your life with us.