Who can restore hope to a broken world…Jesus
Who can ensure that no child goes to sleep hungry…Jesus
That a woman will not be abused or mistreated…Jesus
That the things that make us different are celebrated and not condemned…Jesus
Who can administer true justice for all…Jesus
Who can heal the hurts of a tortuous past…Jesus
Who has power over the winds and the waves
Power to withstand the test of time
Authority to say what needs to be said and know exactly how to say it…Jesus, Jesus, JESUS!
But where is He?
We can’t elect Jesus
He is not bound by the commodities of this world
We can’t text Him or follow Him on social media
How can the perfect ruler be silent?
He’s not.
We elect Jesus by allowing Him to rule in our hearts.
His commodity is love, which is overflowing, everlasting and never fails.
Follow Him through His text…daily, hourly, by the minute.
You are His mouthpiece.
Don’t remain silent.
Give me Jesus.
-Shara Saget
Shara Saget became a disciple of Jesus in 1999. Since 2014 she has served alongside her husband in the DFW Church in Dallas, Texas as a Women's Ministry Leader. They have two children and she enjoys reading, watching movies, and long walks.
Dec 3, 2020, 1:10:05 PM
Joanna Rios - Gracias, Thank you for sharing such beautiful words about Jesus and his healing power, his love and his mercy for us all. Thank you.
Dec 2, 2020, 8:49:12 PM
Vel Pfenning - I love to know more Thank you I’m a disciple at the mcoc in Milwaukee Wisconsin
Nov 9, 2020, 2:15:43 PM
Bev Ozanne - Great poem by my precious Women's Ministry Leader, Shara Saget!!! So proud of her!
Nov 3, 2020, 1:14:06 PM
Chinye - Thanks for sharing. Beautiful poem. What a powerful name we having in Jesus.
Oct 27, 2020, 5:58:50 PM
Nova Jacobs - Thank you so much for this poem. When nobody can't help the poor, the oppressed, the sick. Jesus is there to protect and sustain them. That we are always in his sight to be loved .