Editors’ note
We are publishing this testimony because we feel that the attitude of the author in dramatically overcoming very serious health disabilities that have plagued her for years is inspiring and worthy of imitation. Her transformation has been spectacular. We admire her faith that God could and would heal her cocktail of serious illnesses after a long time. We applaud her commitment to study her unique organism, to discover what works individually for her, and to do the hard work of changing long-time habits. Meghan herself makes this disclaimer: "This is simply MY experience and MY journey.”
We would like to emphasize that none of us are MDs and we urge you not to make radical changes to your diet without the advice of a qualified medical professional whom you trust. While Meghan advocates for an exclusively carnivorous diet on her social media, we have a friend who is allergic to meat from any mammal, and another who is allergic to turkey. Some people desperately need more vitamins and dietary fiber than a carnivore diet might provide; and we know people who have successfully managed aggressive cancers by following a meat-free, exclusively plant-based diet. Foods that cause inflammation in one person may not have the same effect on another. What thrills us is our sister’s victory over some tough obstacles and the fact that God has so much more to teach us than any of us can possibly imagine.
God’s Miracle Cure
By Meghan French, East London, UK
Greetings everyone! My name is Meghan French and at the time of writing this I’m 51 years old, I’ve been a Christian for 30 years and married just over 26 years. For you to understand how drastically God has helped me and healed me since June of 2020, let me first give you an idea of what my physical and mental health struggles used to be like.
I have struggled with severe anxiety since I was a small child, and depression since 1987 when I was about fifteen. Around that same time, I first succumbed to bulimia. I didn’t try to get support or therapy for any of it until 2012, after 25 years of trying to ignore my feelings, press them down or keep busy in order not to deal with them.
You see, when I became a Christian in 1993 at the age of 21, I was convinced that somehow my negative feelings would magically disappear. After all, how could a saved Christian struggle with depression or anxiety? How could I still struggle with bulimia and disordered eating if God made me in His image?
When these feelings DIDN’T magically disappear, I did the only thing I thought I could - I ignored them and tried to push them away. So, even though I had these issues formally diagnosed in 2012, I still wasn’t ready to accept these things about myself. It left me feeling as “less-than” and unworthy of God, so I again chose to ignore these issues and continued to self-medicate with a lot of processed and inflammatory foods in a highly destructive binging-and-purging cycle.
I had no idea at this point that what I was eating was playing a massive role in keeping me inflamed, irritable, anxious and depressed. This was having an invisible impact on my health, but it would be a physical injury that would cause a cascading effect on my life.
Pain Leads to Change
In March of 2014 one of the spinal discs in my lower back bulged out -- it prolapsed -- while I was taking laundry out of the dryer. The pain got worse in my lower back over the next few months and by September of 2014 I developed a burning kind of pain in my legs, arms and chest. In January of 2015, this had progressed to hypersensitivity to temperature in my hands and feet and pain in
my wrists and fingers. In June of 2015 I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my fingers and wrists and Raynaud’s Syndrome, which caused the sensitivity to temperature in my fingers and toes. It took doctors until December of 2015 to diagnose me with fibromyalgia and until March of 2020 to finally diagnose me with hypothyroidism.
My doctors all told me my diet was fine and it was my back injury that caused my fibromyalgia, which subsequently led to osteoarthritis, Raynaud’s Syndrome and hypothyroidism. But what I am now confident of is that the highly inflammatory and processed diet I had always consumed had slowly been affecting my body, and that my back injury simply made it the perfect storm of illness
and disease.
What makes me so certain? When I started to remove the processed and inflammatory foods from my diet in 2020 I began to experience INCREDIBLE healing and transformation.
At the end of May in 2020 I weighed in at a whopping 225 pounds -- and I’m only five feet, five inches tall. I was sick, fat and in horrible pain. I felt like I was trapped in a permanent brain fog. My emotional and mental states were in crisis. I knew that I couldn’t carry on this way any longer and that my old approach of restricting or binging and purging wouldn’t work.
Learning about inflammation in the body
I wanted to take control of my health and lose weight but I knew I couldn’t exercise in my current state. What did I do? I “YouTubed” it. I went on YouTube to try to find videos on how to lose weight and not exercise. There I found all kinds of information. I found videos by Dr. Ken D. Berry on following a ketogenic or carnivore diet and I started to watch them. This was mainly because my sister-in-law had followed a keto(genic) diet several years before to help her with her psoriatic arthritis.
I learned about the importance of removing seed oils and processed junk foods and cut them out first. I quickly removed all sugary and starchy forms of carbohydrates and by July I had eliminated all fruits, vegetables, grains, cereals, nuts, seeds, pulses and legumes. For the first time since July of 2007 I wasn’t suffering from the constant gas, bloating and constipation of IBS that these
particular plant foods had caused my unique organism. When I started to allow myself to eat good and healthy saturated fats in the form of bacon, eggs and burgers (without the bun), I stopped feeling hungry and deprived for the first time in my life. I was finally getting the proper nourishment my particular body needed to heal and repair and flush out the inflammation.
Within my first month of going carnivore I lost a big chunk of my brain fog and 20 pounds on the scale. My muscles and joints hurt just a little bit less as I wasn’t carrying around an extra 100 pounds of fat and inflammation with me.
By September of 2020 I felt like 90% of my brain fog had lifted and I continued to lose weight, inflammation and pain. At the end of 2020 I was down 100 lbs. I have since kept the weight off. I started to feel that perhaps I had done the carnivore diet wrong, because I still felt pain in my muscles and joints and still needed a wheelchair to get around.
Patience, perseverance, powerful changes
The truth is that I still had healing to do. I decided to trust God and stick with my carnivore diet. I spent over 30 years eating a highly processed and inflammatory diet. I had to realise that while there was significant healing in the beginning, it would take more than a few months to heal and fully reverse everything that had been affected.
In February of 2023 I was suddenly motivated to try sitting at church in a regular chair. This led to taking only a crutch along for balance, then to not needing a crutch at all and walking unassisted to a seat in service or out the back to the washrooms.
I felt emotionally and spiritually compelled to try standing up in the shower for a minute or two, which led to me eventually no longer needing a shower chair at all.
This may not seem significant, but for five years I had to sit in a shower chair to get washed and do my hair because it hurt so much to stand up. In fact, for two of those five years I had a care worker come to my house five mornings a week to help me shower and wash my hair and get dressed because the chronic pain, caused by the chronic inflammation, was too much.
I didn’t have a care worker during COVID, and my husband helped me on the days I was in too much pain. I longed to be able to perform the simple task of washing my hair, brushing it out, getting cleaned and getting dressed by myself.
So, although I was certainly showering and dressing on my own by early 2021, I still needed to sit in the shower chair. I hope you can imagine my delight in February of 2023 when I realised that I could stand up in the shower for brief periods of time, and how ecstatic I was to finally take the chair out of the tub in early March of 2023.
In that same month, I was determined to try to come off my medications, because I wasn’t willing to live with the side-effects any longer AND I wanted desperately to not need my wheelchair anymore. I wanted to be able to travel and go on holiday or go to town and not worry about whether my wheelchair would fit in a certain space or having to book special assistance to fly somewhere.
I was wanting to get my life back fully, but I also had some degree of anxiety about trying to exist without my chair. After all, my disc prolapsed while I was doing something as boring and mundane as pulling laundry out of the dryer.
I realised that I would have to start extremely slowly, and I would need to be patient and more than anything, I would need to pray A LOT and trust God A LOT!
I knew that I would first need to start coming off the medications first, before trying to walk. The reason being that if I started walking first and did too much, where I caused pain or injury, the pain medications I was on would dull that pain. In other words, I would be at risk of not feeling the pain from a potential injury and therefore I could be in danger of doing even more damage.
So, starting in mid-March of 2023 I started to very, very slowly, space out further the timings of my medications -- pain meds and anti-depressants -- and then I slowly started to reduce the dosage. I took 6 weeks to wean myself off the Co-Codomal, Gabapentin, Sertraline, Levothyroxine and Lipitor, so that by May 1, 2023, I was off all my medications - statins, thyroid medications, anti-
depressants and painkillers.
I continued to stand in the shower every day, to do yoga stretches for my back every day and to walk short distances -- through the house to the back yard, from the car in the drive to the front door, half a block from one shop to another, etc.
There was one day around mid-July of 2023 when I felt inspired to try to walk around our block, just to see how I would feel. It is a VERY small block, but I did it! I felt no pain and actually felt amazing. It drained me of energy for the rest of the day, because it was more than I had done physically in 9 years.
I wanted to be able to walk more and get stronger and feel those good endorphins and dopamine so a couple of days later I walked a little further and went to the corner store and back home again. I only travelled a total of 0.4 miles, but I felt as if I had just completed a marathon - what a victory!
A couple of days later I took our dogs out for a walk that was about the same distance, and I felt more alive than I had in ages. I still used my wheelchair to go into town or any distance greater than 0.5 miles, but I was determined to walk more often, build up my stamina and muscles and walk even further.
By October of 2023 I could walk the 1.5 miles into the heart of town and back and I haven’t used my wheelchair since that time. Now, when I’m home in Colchester I usually take both dogs out for a long walk every day - between 1.8 and 2 miles every day.
This would never have been possible if I hadn’t removed the chronic inflammation from my diet, which, for me, meant going on the carnivore diet. God led me to the carnivore diet, and so I believe God healed me through the carnivore diet as well.
By brain fog feels completely gone, my Raynaud’s hardly ever flares up, I have fully reversed my hypothyroidism, my osteoarthritis and my fibromyalgia are also both in remission. I no longer suffer with chronic pain and inflammation my mental health is generally in a good place. When feelings of anxiety and depression creep up I’m able to manage them before they can trigger bulimia.
Since my brain fog has cleared, I have been able to reconnect to my faith and my commitment to God. In fact, I feel as though God has given me a new calling: to help other people who can find healing through the proper nutrition of a carnivore or even ketogenic diet.
I completed my certification as a Nutrition Coach in April of 2024 and I offer personalised coaching and support on my website (www.healingfoodscoach.com)
I also share my personal journey for free on my YouTube channel as Meghan The Faithful Fibromyalgia Warrior.
I believe that my journey of physical, emotional and spiritual healing is incredibly miraculous, but that is because God is amazing -- not because I am any sort of superhuman. May God faithfully lead you forward as well, and bless you to find whatever path of healing you may need as you read my story.