Joy to the World! The Lord is Come!
By Leela Mark
Bangalore, India
(Editor’s note: The following devotional contains accounts of sexual assault. Please use caution if these topics are triggering for you.)
Scripture Reading:
Luke 2:8-10
Matthew 1:22-23
I enjoy the Christmas season for many reasons. I love cheerful decorations, exchanging gifts, sending Christmas greeting cards, spending time with family and friends, and eating Christmas goodies. I also love the fact that most of the countries in the world celebrate Christmas.
“Joy to the World” is one of my favorite Christmas carols. This song is based on Psalm 98, which is a call to sing to the Lord a new song.
Christmas does not only look back at the birth of Christ, but also toward His second coming, because both are connected with each other and make the other meaningful. Because of Christ, we have a reason to be joyful no matter what life throws our way. Why do I say that? It is because I have experienced God’s joy despite the challenges I have faced in life.
To help you understand this point, I will share my life story with you and how God has brought joy into my life.
Feeling Abandoned
One of my favorite scriptures from the Bible is Psalm 27:10-11: “Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me. Teach me your way, Lord; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors.”
I faced so much oppression in my life, but this scripture is one of my favorite scriptures because it describes my life story. I was born to parents who were farmers. Although they were my biological parents, they gave me up for adoption at a very young age to relatives far away who adopted me because they didn’t have a girl child. As you can imagine, I felt forsaken by my biological parents.
I grew up with my adopted father, mother, and their children. Eventually, I realized my adopted mother didn’t want me, so she despised me and hated my presence. At one point, she decided to move away with her children to another city, so I lived alone with my adopted father.
My dad lavished his love on me and he gave his best to me. He took care of all my needs and desires. In fact, my life with my dad was very complete.
Unfortunately, misfortune fell on us on July 7, 2012, while my father and I were riding a motorcycle. We had a terrible accident where my father was severely injured and later died on the spot. I was 16 years old at that time and I still remember how I cried out loud on the road begging people to help us get to the hospital. I was crying for somebody to rescue us. I thought my father was still alive, I thought I felt his breathing and thought he had not died yet. I remember being helpless on the street. But no one had the time to help us, so eventually my father passed away.
I was in so much shock and my life fell apart. I felt my world had come to an end and I did not know where to go. I felt abandoned like an orphan. I felt unwanted again, as I did when my biological parents gave me up for adoption. I felt there was no one to love me and take care of me. It took me a long time to get over the fact that my father was no more. I was still under shock.
Blame and Shame
What made matters worse is people began to blame me for the death of my father. I was viewed as a curse in the family. Today, I understand how they must have felt, but at that time, I was confused. I, too, was severely injured from the accident, but my adopted mother chose to neglect me. I went through a lot of physical and emotional torture. I lost all the connections I had, even with my siblings, and nobody spoke to me. I was treated as an unwanted child and even today, I have no idea where my adopted mother lives and no one picks up my calls.
Since the situation was very hard for me to bear, I decided I could no longer live there anymore, so one day, I took my school certificates and left the house without telling anybody. I decided to go look for my biological family and I was able to meet my biological grandmother. She was very poor, but I ended up staying in her house. I remember trying to kill myself a lot, because I thought there was no point in living. Due to the trauma and shock I was experiencing, I lost my faith and didn’t want to believe in God anymore. I became an atheist.
I didn’t know why I was still alive but I reasoned that I must still be alive so I could fulfill my father’s desire for me to become a civil engineer. That desire kept me alive because it became my life goal; it became something I owed my father. I decided to pursue civil engineering at college, even though I had no money to pay for my education.
Desperate for Love
Losing my father and not having anyone to love and care for me really shook my life. I was empty and desperately wanted love. One day, I went to Bangalore to take care of some required documents so I could enroll in college and on the way back home, I met a guy on the train who asked to borrow my phone to call a friend. I forgot about it, but a few days later, the guy he called, called back and sounded very nice on the phone. Since I was emotionally needy and had no one to talk to, I began talking to him over the phone and shared with him how I had lost my dad and the pain I was going through and how I was working on getting my documents to become an engineer. He became someone who filled the emptiness in me that desperately needed filling.
Little did I know the danger I was in by filling my empty cup with him. As clueless as I was about his intent at that time, I agreed to meet up with him and was shocked to find out what he wanted from me. He abused and raped me and left me traumatized with blood and wounds all over me. I really don’t know how I survived that day. After that, I carried the shame of being someone who was raped and abused. You can say that it probably was the second traumatic incident that happened in my life. The first was losing my father, which made feel unwanted, while the second made me feel wanted but abused, raped, and abandoned.
But luckily God did not abandon me, because he was on my side. I got accepted into a college on a scholarship so I did not have to pay anything. I also received accommodation in a hostel for free which also provided food and shelter for merit students. Even though I was still living with trauma, somehow I still managed to study to become an engineer. The thing that kept me going was believing I needed to do it for my father, so I studied without any distractions.
Finding Joy
However, I was carrying so much pain. There were times when I had no money and I would see other girls having things I did not have. I was poor, so I never told them about me. I was afraid that if people knew I was adopted, they would look down on me, so I lived in lies, but the only thing that kept me going was my desire to fulfill my dad’s dream of me becoming a civil engineer. This motivated me to do very well in college.
Long story short, I ended up in Hyderabad where I got a job at TATA company after graduating with a degree in civil engineering. I felt I had finally achieved my life’s goal. However, I had no one to talk to about my emotional pain, my trauma, and my adopted background. This is what led me to start searching for God.
God must have known that I was searching, because one day when I was lost on a street, I asked a lady for directions. Instead, she invited me to seek God by studying the Bible. After going to one campus ministry gathering, I went back again because I was amazed by the love of Jesus Christ. She studied the Bible with me and taught me the love of Christ. It took me a month to understand the true love of Jesus and grasp that even though I am a broken jar, there is someone slowly fixing me and I had to allow Him to fix me. I had to allow Him to make me useful again. It was a great journey for me, because I became a true Christian.
The Psalm 27 scripture became a description of my life: “Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me. Teach me your way, Lord; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors.”
Even though people have oppressed me, today I am a free and liberated woman!
From my experience, I can honestly say that no matter what people fill us with, we are never going to be filled. But there is someone who can fill us and make us complete; that person is Jesus Christ.
Sharing Joy
God brought joy to my soul and He has been helping me to share His gospel with others. God also gave me the opportunity to reconnect with my biological mother. I can now say I have joy because I have a relationship with my mother. God also allowed me to study the Bible with my mom, and she understood God’s love and sacrifice for her. As my mom made Jesus her Lord, I can say what great joy God has brought to my heart that I could study the Bible with and baptize my own mother.
Leela baptizing her mother.
Matthew 1:23 says, “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).” Jesus was called Immanuel, which means "God is with us.” Yes, He came into our world, He is with us, and He brings us joy!
As we reflect on the song “Joy to the World,” let it help us understand Christ’s love and His works in our lives. Let it inspire us to break into joyful songs as we look back with faith and gratitude and look forward with hope.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share a message with you for Christmas.
About the Author:
Leela Mark is currently serving in the full-time ministry in Bangalore, India. She was born in Karnataka, India, and studied civil engineering at Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU). After graduating, she moved to Hyderabad where she started working for Madhura Construction and TATA company. During that time, she began studying the Bible and got baptized on February 26, 2017. Leela’s dream is to take the gospel to every corner of India and to be a missionary for the rest of her life.
To hear a special version of "Joy to the World" sung by your sister Amy Kinzer, click the image below:
Dec 19, 2022, 7:32:52 AM
Tammy Bearry - Thank you!
Dec 10, 2022, 10:36:32 AM
Irish Felipe - Sending my respect to you sis.Your example of deep understanding of who God is in your life through your sharing is something I will definitely keep in my memory bank.May Yhwh continue to bless you and keep you .Thank you again sis and enjoy!!!
Dec 8, 2022, 6:15:52 PM
Wendy Hislop - Thanks for your vulnerability, I am so grateful to our father god for your faithful heart to serve him and our church. Love in Christ Wendy Hislop Sydney NSW Australia
Dec 8, 2022, 10:11:13 AM
Marisol Barry - Thank you so much lovely sister 😘 💗 💕 for sharing your life. And for sharing the baptism of your lovely mother. This is my phone number if you want to talk or pray together with me. 914-282-8217
Dec 8, 2022, 7:28:36 AM
Olawunmi - This really emotional for me,even as I thank for how he came to rescued each and every one of us with so much love and compassion. I love the way you connected his birth with his second coming. Stay bless sister 🙏 ❤️
Dec 7, 2022, 6:47:34 AM
Thecla Gordon Boston - Although my story has different circumstances- I felt so exited that maybe one day I too may reconnect with my loved ones and they may forgive me. You brought your loneliness - trauma - abandonment to God- in His proper time He healed you- although I have been a disciple since 1986 - I’m honestly just learning this - I had been bringing my prayers always for God to help them - not expressing my grief - as I have lived feeling I caused this - Today I have learned- that I need to separate from focus on God healing and helping them - to going to Him thru out the day and simply bring my daily sadness - grief and heartaches and longings to Him. I will still pray for them - but I am learning to allow myself to be truly comforted by our father- and no longer bring prayers to fix them…. Then feel better- -This has taken a lifetime to learn this . Thank you for sharing your relationship with God ! This inspired me. Deeply- This gave me so much Hope! Thecla G
Dec 6, 2022, 6:07:52 AM
Verónica Talavera - Deseo aprender para ir cambiando mi manera de pensar.
Dec 6, 2022, 5:18:15 AM
Laura Adeleke - It's well, Isaiah 3:10, I'm so happy for you. I pray that the Lord will continue to grant you the strength you need and the faith to keep the flag flying. Well done sister
Dec 5, 2022, 7:32:42 PM
Wendy Siat - Thank you for the courage to share and for inspiring me that God is always there even though times may be dark. You are an inspiration. You bring much hope to me.. You could have been bitter in life but you chose and allowed God to take over your life and because of that you are free. Free from the bondage. Your story is such an encouraging one to hear. What you have gone through is no where near what I am facing in my community. Thus I should have nothing to complain about. Thank you sister Leela
Dec 5, 2022, 12:21:16 PM
BendaHarris - I enjoyed Leela's lesson very much. Especially that she didn't allow all the hurtful things that happened in her life to define who or how she;d life her lift. She could have been so bitter and not trusting of every person she encountered. Her life's story I pray will be shared with other women so that they too will be able with God's help to move on.
Dec 4, 2022, 11:40:49 PM
Sylvia Uchechi okerafor - Dear Leela, thanks so much for sharing your story, I am truly inspired.
Dec 3, 2022, 10:36:50 PM
Ola oluwa - Thank you for sharing your life here it's really inspiring to know how God can carry one through though situation and land you in another with faith and hope. Awesome God we have.
Dec 3, 2022, 8:23:09 PM
Nancy Tandela - Wow sister Leela, your story of adversities brings the concept of joy n freedom to another level. I have gone through challenges but your life brings a different level of adversities that can only be healed by our lord Jesus! I respect and love you sister n your heart!
Dec 3, 2022, 3:43:18 PM
Nico - Thank you for sharing your life story. I appreciate your vulnerability. God is amazing how He orchestrated your life and is using you to help so many.
Dec 3, 2022, 2:13:44 PM
Doris Olvera - Muchas gracias por compartir tu historia. Dios te bendiga y se siga Glorificando en tu vida,,fuerte abrazo
Dec 3, 2022, 10:13:06 AM
Emily - Thank you, Leela, for being so courageous! Your story is truly an inspiration. Thank you for sharing and for being so faithful.
Dec 3, 2022, 9:26:56 AM
Ella Agerbak (U.K.) - Thank you so much for your vulnerability and perspective. It’s so precious to hear of the ways God has redeemed your story and the joy and healing he has brought!
Dec 3, 2022, 2:51:49 AM
Bina - Thank you Leela for sharing your life. It's an inspiration to have hope and faith in Jesus
Dec 3, 2022, 12:34:08 AM
Rolayo - Thank you for sharing your story Leela. It is a powerful reminder that the coming of Jesus has opened the way for our lives to be healed and made whole. Thank you for the reminder to trust him to replace pain with joy. This is truly inspiring.
Dec 3, 2022, 12:14:20 AM
Josephine Funmilayo Onofua - God bless you Lee for sharing your low and victorious moments with us. It most not have been easy to go down memory lane, praise God for Jesus's Love. You & what you've shared is my Christmas present. Thank you so much❤
Dec 2, 2022, 11:53:05 PM
Nancy - Thank you for sharing your life and hardship, pain you went through. I’m glad that you found the peace and joy in God and even baptized your mom. What a beautiful heart.
Dec 2, 2022, 6:28:15 PM
Cornelia Haener - Thank you so much for sharing your life story with us. Truly inspiring who you overcame through the love of Christ-a real Christmas miracle.
Dec 2, 2022, 3:56:16 PM
Bukola - Thanks sis for sharing your life story and how you embraced the Good news and pass the torch to your mom, God be with you 🤗
Dec 2, 2022, 1:51:10 PM
Omobola Abolarinwa - Thank you for sharing Leela. I can relate with adoption and abandonment. It is not a place anyone who hasn't gone through will want to be. But thank God for the grace to be included in the company of those He chose to have mercy on (Romans 9:15), I am enjoying His presence in the midst of my brothers and sisters, and I also had the privilege of baptizing my biological mother who is still a faithful follower of Jesus Christ. "...though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me. Teach me your way, Lord; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors".
Dec 2, 2022, 1:09:42 PM
Katie Chan - The tears I had when I felt for your pain before meeting Jesus turned into happy tears when I see how God’s love has filled your empty cup completely and overflowing so you are now sharing His wonderful love with your mom and others! I’m so grateful and proud to have you as my sister in kingdom, Leela❤️ God bless your ministry and all your work for Him
Dec 2, 2022, 11:38:34 AM
Beth Sherrill - Leela, thank you for sharing your life with us. You have an amazing testimony & I am inspired by your faith, love and perseverance!
Dec 2, 2022, 11:26:03 AM
Lynne Einsiedel - To baptize your mom, Leela, after such an estrangement, could only be our God❣️ Thank you for sharing your story❣️
Dec 2, 2022, 11:12:24 AM
Debbie Romero Martinez - Thank you for sharing your God-written story! God bless you, Sister!
Dec 2, 2022, 6:18:28 AM
irene oburu - Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable with your life, I went through the same thing after my Dad passed on 2 years ago and just have you said it's only Jesus who can fill us and make us complete is true. Thanks
Dec 2, 2022, 3:31:16 AM
Mabel - Thank you very much for sharing your life your suffering and your re-birth as a Christian. I know that when we had a hard life growing up and suffer tragedies is when we experience the true love of Christ when realize that during our most lowest moments; we were survived because we were not alone. Our father was there by our side because he had big plans for us to take his message to others who may be suffering as we did.
Dec 1, 2022, 10:39:46 PM
Rosey Shi - 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
Dec 1, 2022, 6:28:42 PM
Maria Mendoza - Thank you so much for sharing your story Leela, and for your vulnerability. It is so inspiring to read how you focus on gratitude and joy in your life despite everything that has happened. It definitely inspires me to do the same. I love how you were able to give the ultimate gift to your mom! Love from Chicago.
Dec 1, 2022, 5:41:06 PM
Denise - Great job sis Thanks for sharing your life.
Dec 1, 2022, 4:25:04 PM
Bonnie Forrest - Leela, Thank you for sharing your testimony with us. The unconditional love of our Father God is so beautiful. The true meaning of love and sacrifice is the full gift to mankind. Phil:4:13 Tells us our Strength is in Christ and in him we can do everything we are called to do, even in the worst of circumstances and situations. You are the light of his Spirit in you. ❤️
Dec 1, 2022, 2:07:19 PM
Liberty - Thank you for sharing your story. Although it is a painful memory but it is a great inspiration to so many. You are a very strong and courageous woman of God. You have helped changed the final destination of not only your mom but many others. I thank God for you.
Dec 1, 2022, 10:42:39 AM
Lisa - Leela thank you so much for sharing your life with us! It’s not easy to walk through painful times…. thank you for the courage and faith you’ve shown in doing so. Your faith is an inspiration! So grateful to God in making ALL things work together for the good of those (you) who love Him and are called according to His purpose! Praise be to God that you are whole in Him and you are reconnected with your mom. It’s beautiful to see God working. Much love to you from your sister in Milwaukee 💜
Dec 1, 2022, 10:23:18 AM
Ida - Leela's story brought me to tears. My heart overflowed as she accepted " The Good News of Great Joy" in her life, then went on to share. The Good News of Great Joy with her Mom. As I text I am still brought to tears. Thank you Leeks for being so open about you life story! Thank You Jesus for the Joy of knowing You.
Dec 1, 2022, 10:21:42 AM
Yvette - This made me tear up. Leela suffered so much but God saved her and now her biological mother as well. God gave us Jesus so we will be reminded that He is with us.
Dec 1, 2022, 10:06:13 AM
Ionela Testa - Dear Leela, Thank you so much for sharing your story. Only we God can we find true joy that satisfies our souls and healing from the damage that sun causes in us. May god continue to use you to bring the good news of Jesus to a hurting world. Love you in Christ your sister from Chicago.