How to Change Your Mind
Editors’ Note: Last week, we began our month featuring content from our Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana Regional Family of churches with a video similar to this one. Many of us are aware that dramatic advances in technology since the 1990’s have had a tremendous impact on the way we understand how our minds work. The use of innovations like functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), for example, have greatly contributed to the rise of the relatively new field of cognitive neuroscience. If you like to read, you may have come across popular titles like The Body Keeps the Score, by Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D.; The Other Half of Church, by Jim Wilder and Michel Hendricks; and Switch on Your Brain, by Dr. Caroline Leaf (just to name a few), which make use of the ever-growing understanding of our brain’s neuroplasticity to make their point — and practically demonstrate in fantastic ways how we are truly “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139: 14).
Our sister, Heather McKean, from the Austin Christian Church in Texas, USA, is author of a book entitled, Mind Change: Changing the World One Mind at a Time, and practices and teaches and a transformational spiritual healing program known as the Metanoia Method. For the old timers among us, this is not to be confused with Mind Change authored by our brother Thomas A. Jones, nor with any one of the myriad of volumes available today with similar titles — Change Your Mind, Changing Our Mind, How to Change Your Mind, etc.
As disciples, we hope that we are lifelong learners. Called to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, we figure that it always makes sense to learn more about how our God-created minds work. We’re glad to be able to provide a platform for our sisters who have experienced real mind change to share what they’ve been learning and experiencing. Next week we will post a testimony and a quiet time devotional by women who have experienced transformation from new knowledge and conviction they have gained from this material. May it bless your journey as it has theirs.
About Heather McKean
Heather has been helping people around the world start living the life of their dreams. Her passion is helping people find freedom from trauma, pain, illness and addiction. After finding herself near death in 2012, diagnosed with multiple rare, genetic diseases, Heather realized that she needed to deal with the “real” cause of all of her chronic illness. She discovered that all of her past traumas, things she thought she had dealt with, were subconsciously supporting her illnesses.
Through the same techniques that she now uses to help her clients, Heather not only healed from a myriad of chronic “incurable” diseases, but she began living the life of her dreams! Now she has dedicated her life to helping others do the same thing. Heather has been married since 2004 and currently has two beautiful daughters.
Feb 9, 2024, 4:39:24 AM
Cece Ewens - Heather, thank you for sharing your story and all you have learned. I have much to say and ask but can’t even put it all together yet! I am hopeful and comforted. I look forward to reading your book!!