Sheralyn Giselle Spencer
Montego Bay, Jamaica
I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.
(NIV Bible, 2011, 2 Timothy 1:5)
Paul saw something special in Timothy. The life Timothy was now living displayed a familiar sincere faith that his mother, Eunice, and grandmother, Lois, showed. Timothy was impacted by the faith they modelled.
More than 20 years ago, I received a gift from a brother named Kirk Spencer, a dashing, young Jamaican who I was interested in and praying about. The gift was a beautiful, pink vanity set with make-up brushes and a mirror. Right there and then, I decided that I would save this gift to be used on the day I would marry that brother. About 18 months later, I used the vanity set on my wedding day, which was the first and last day I used it. I set it aside to pass it on to my first daughter for her wedding day.
We usually want to pass on a treasured possession – a set of pearls, a gold bracelet, or fine china. But do we consider our faith in God a treasured possession to be passed on to our children and to others around us?
That’s the example our sisters Lois and Eunice set. Paul saw their example of faith and it was clear to him that Timothy’s life was inspired by their faith. I am so grateful they did not allow anything to hinder them from sharing their faith with Timothy. Otherwise, we would miss out on the lessons we learn from him today.
I have the joy of working with my daughter, Jasmine, as disciples sharing the same faith, love, and passion for the mission of Jesus Christ. Jasmine became a disciple at 14 years old and she was our first convert after moving to Montego Bay, Jamaica. Over the years, I have seen her grow in her convictions, which motivate her to serve her community and the church, especially the Youth Ministry.
Jasmine and Sheree Spencer
Growing up in the church, Jasmine has experienced many blessings, but she also has experienced challenges – the pressure of having parents who are disciples, the expectations of others, and not having a voice to share her opinions. Jasmine is motived to be an advocate for the youth, especially in a society where children were expected to be seen and not heard. Now, she shares ideas and, together, we plan events for the teens. Recently, Jasmine was instrumental in planning a graduation party and photoshoot for the teens who graduated during Covid-19 lockdowns. It was super encouraging.
God also has blessed her faith by using her to help convert two classmates, Lathorna and Nickiela. It was so special getting to sit in bible studies with her as she shared her convictions from the word.
Nickiela Watson, Lathorna Ricketts and Jasmine Spencer
As a youth, Jasmine faces normal struggles. As a parent, I make many mistakes. We butt heads, but we pray and call each other higher as disciples.
Throughout the scriptures, we see examples of disciples passing it on. In 2 Timothy 1:2, Paul calls Timothy his true son in the faith. He continued to teach and prepare Timothy to do the work of a minister.
We also see our Lord Jesus, making use of every opportunity to sit and teach His disciples throughout the gospels.
We all have our modern-day examples of people who pass it on. For me, it has been my friend and sister Dionne Davis, who has been in there with me through good times and bad. She is always willing to take time to share her heart and convictions; the physical distance apart never hinders. Thank you, my friend, for passing it on.
Sisters, I pray that we never forget the treasures that we have been blessed with from God. May we seize every opportunity to pass it on.
I am not sure what the future holds for Jasmine, our younger daughter, Jenee, or me, but I know that for the years I have them in my presence, I want to live in faithful service to my Lord, setting an example that my daughters will want to imitate.
Jenee and Jasmine Spencer
My prayer is that they will faithfully serve God all the days of their lives, that they would find love and live lives to the fullest in peace and joy. Prayerfully, when God blesses their lives with love, He also will bless them with children. I pray with faith, love, and passion, they also will pass it on.
Sheralyn Spencer is a passionate servant of God married to Evangelist Kirk Spencer for 23 years. She is the mother of two amazing daughters – Jasmine, 19, and Jenee, 14. Trinidadian by birth, Sheralyn (known affectionately as Sheree) has been a disciple for 30 years, has served in the full‑time ministry for approximately 24 years and currently serves as Women’s Ministry Leader in Montego Bay, Jamaica. She loves serving the less fortunate, and family closeness is of utmost importance to her.
Dec 1, 2022, 7:03:06 AM
Luisa - Thank you, Sheree, for your encouraging story. I, too, am a disciple from Winnipeg Church of Christ (Manitoba, Canada). Two lovely adult daughters (Sharisse - 26 and Jasmine - 22) who are disciples. Continue sharing your conviction with your daughters as you continue to seek a more intimate and closer relationship with the Lord. I know He will bless you and you will bear fruits abundantly.