Philippians for Neighbors
Philippians – class 1
Chapter 1:1-11
A. The City of Philippi
Location. Time period. Culture and Commerce. Importance
This is the modern map of where Philippi is located. Notice the location of Israel in the bottom right of the map. How did Paul and Timothy get there? Why did they go?
What are your first thoughts about Philippi’s location? Would you like to travel there? What would be some of the challenges to overcome?
B. Paul and Timothy – verses 1- 2. Who are they? How did they meet the Philippians?
(Check out Acts 9 and Acts 16 if you want to know the back story.) Where have you travelled to and made friends? What made those circumstances special?
C. Prayers for these People – verses 3-6. What words does Paul use to describe his
prayers? Who do we pray for like this? When do we pray like this? Who are your “partners”
in community or faith or purpose?
D. Deep Connection – verses 7-8. What words does Paul use to describe his connection with
these people? Have you ever felt this way about people outside of your family? Have you
ever felt this way about a spiritual relationship or group?
E. Love becomes Wisdom – verses 9 -11. What words does Paul use to describe a
friendship that is maturing spiritually? What type of knowledge do you think Paul is
F. Friendship that Glorifies God – verse 11. Do you think this Bible Study group is close to
becoming that? What would it take for us to become more mature spiritually?
Philippians - week 2
Chapter 1:12-26
A. 1 st Century Jail
Paul is writing from prison and location is probably Rome. 62 – 64 AD.
Photo credit: Richie Biola/ Wordpress 2013
This is the modern photo of an ancient jail cell. Why are they there? Paul and Timothy are writing together but it seems that Timothy is free and Paul is not.
What are your first thoughts about life in this kind of prison? Would you like to travel there to see it? What emotions would start to come up in your heart?
B. Physical Prison – verses 12- 14. What emotions do we have when are bodies are limited
or restrained? Can you relate? If so, how?
C. Emotional Prison – verses 15 - 19 What is happening to Paul’s ministry work while he is
in prison? Have you ever experienced an emotional prison? Rivalry, jealousy or envy?
Selfish Ambition rather than selflessness? How does Paul “rise above” this emotional
D. Eternal Perspective – verse 19. What words does Paul use to describe his “eternal
perspective” rather than an earthly perspective. Have you ever had to make a thinking
change like this? What conviction about God’s character does this require?
E. Jesus is exalted in my body in Life or Death – verses 20 - 21. Wait. What? Why does
Paul say this? Is it true? Do you share this conviction with Paul, or does this seem foreign to
you? How have you evolved over time in your convictions about death?
F. Conviction about Heaven – verses 22 - 26. Do you think Paul’s reasoning is sound? What
is his conviction about the afterlife? Where have you experienced testing about your belief
in heaven? What are you leaning toward at this age and stage of life?
Philippians - week 3
Chapter 1:27- 2:11
A. Living a Worthy Life – verses 27 through 30.
Paul begins to express that Jesus’ affect on him motivates him to want to live a life worthy of Jesus. He wants to make sure that grace is not cheapened by his response.
What are your first thoughts about living a worthy life? Have you ever considered Jesus’ example in what a worthy life looks like? Why do you think Paul talks about unity? What are your convictions about striving together as one? Are we too “cliquish” in our relationships with neighbors?
B. One in Spirit and One in Mind– Philippians 2 verses 1 -
What it seems to be Paul's biggest concern for his friends in Philippi?
C. Value Others Above Yourself – verses 3 - 4. What words does Paul use to describe his
idea of valuing others. Have you done this in the past week? What happened as a result?
D. Jesus’ Humility – verses 5 - 8. Why does Paul say to imitate this in our relationships?
Does this work? Won’t I lose too much of myself or be run over by dominating people?
E. God’s View – verses 9 - 11. Do you think God is pleased with Jesus’ brand of humility?
What is his reaction in the grand scheme of things? What does it mean “every knee should bow”? What does it mean that every tongue should acknowledge Jesus is Lord?
Philippians - week 4
Chapter 2:12-29
A. Work out Your Salvation – Philippians 2:12-13
Paul sets a new tone in opening his heart to his friends in Philippi. He seems to think their
behavior changes when he is absent. Do you like accountability? Why or why not? Have
you ever had spiritual accountability? Do you think it is a good idea or a bad idea?
What are your first thoughts about “fear and trembling”? Is it a comfortable idea or uncomfortable?
B. Grumbling and Arguing – Philippians 2 verses 14 - 15 Paul begins to address the
specific flaw that he sees in his friends in Philippi. What have you grumbled or complained
about this week? Does this relate to last week’s study on humility or is it a separate topic?
What have you argued about this week? Is this connected to humility at all? Would we as a group be willing to correct each other in this area?
C. Shining Like Stars – Philippians 2 verses 15 - 16. What words does Paul use to describe
his friends from God’s perspective? How does he contrast this with the natural world? What
do they have to hold on to in order to be transformed? Do you see this as crucial? What
decisions can you make to take to heart these directives?
D. Being Poured Out – verse 17. Jewish Christians would understand this reference to
Numbers 15, but Philippi seems to have been a Gentile city. Why does Paul use this
E. Timothy and Epaphras – v.19 – 30. Do you think Paul’s description of Timothy in v.20-22
reminds you of any relationships you have with the next generation? Have you ever been
mentored spiritually? Are you anyone’s spiritual mentor? Epaphras seems to be a great
helper to Paul and the group in Philippi. Why does Paul say in v. 29, “welcome him with
great joy and honor people like him”? What quality of heart does this take?
Philippians - week 5
Chapter 3:1-13
A. Warning about Self Righteousness – Philippians 3:1- 4
Paul sets a new tone in warning friends in Philippi. About two decades into the early church,
Jewish Christians began to try to dominate the Gentile Christians. They thought they were
superior. Some even went so far as to try to convince the Gentiles to be circumcised.
Paul strongly rebukes this. Have you ever experienced self-righteousness?
What are your first thoughts about the phrase “mutilators of the flesh”? Why does Paul use such strong language?
B. Lineage, Legacy and Bloodlines - Philippians 3 verses 4 - 6 Paul rolls out his impressive
credentials. Do any of us have cool family trees? Won beauty pageants? Talent contests?
Found ourselves with advantages that proved helpful?
C. New view of what is Gain – Philippians 3 verses 7 – 9 Have you ever changed your view
of success? How has Paul transformed his view of success? How could that help his friends
discern between true ideas and false ideas?
D. Knowing Christ – Philippians 3 verses 10 - 12. What is Paul expressing here? He
expresses that he hasn’t arrived but that he is trying to “take hold” of the reason or life that
Jesus took hold of him. Have you ever felt called to something bigger than yourself or bigger
than your family’s expectation for you?
E. Pressing On – verse 12. Should we settle? What are you trying spiritually that takes you
out of your comfort zone?
F. The Goal and the Prize – verses 13 - 14. Paul describes his attitude towards his prize?
What is his prize? Where is his prize? How does this idea of this prize strike you?
Should we ever retire from setting spiritual goals? Do you feel that you are settling?
Philippians - week 6
Chapter 3:14 – 4:1
A. Spiritual Maturity – Philippians 3:15 - 16
Paul showed us last week that his view of success had changed. He revealed that the
definition of status from worldly accomplishments is garbage compared to knowing Jesus. In
these next verses, he urges us toward maturity. What used to shape your identity?
Is it shifting toward the spiritual?
B. Setting an Example – Philippians 3 verses 17 – 18 Paul calls us to begin leading and
guiding others, while we ourselves are being guided. Ex. A Rope Team in mountain
climbing. Who is on my rope team? Why is this an important concept spiritually?
C. Enemies of the Cross - Philippians 3 verse 19 Paul seems to get emotional about this
topic. Why? What does he mean “their God is their stomach?” and “their glory is their
D. Citizenship – Philippians 3 verse 20 Have you known someone who changed citizenship?
What did they have to do? How does this relate to our citizenship in heaven? Paul says that our bodies will change. What will happen? Is it hard for you to imagine?
E. Joy and Crown – Philippians 4 verse 1 Paul expresses that he loves and longs for his
friends in Philippi. He calls them “his joy and his crown”. Why does he use this imagery?
Are we in Paul’s crown?
Who’s crown are you in? What stone would you like to be? Who would you like in your crown? Does this idea encourage you?
Try to think about your climb toward Spiritual Maturity this week. Is your rope team established? What can you do to secure those knots?
Philippians - week 7
Chapter 4:2 – 4:9
A. Settling Conflict – Philippians 4:2
Euodia and Syntyche are in the middle of a conflict. Paul says their names. Why?
He writes,” Be of the same mind.” What or whose mind are they supposed to share? How is this possible?
B. Objective outside help – Philippians 4:3 If they get stuck, what does Paul ask that they
do? Why? What is at stake? Have you ever had to ask for outside help? What does taking
that step take within a person’s soul? How does this quality lead to the mention of the Book
of Life?
C. Rejoice Always – Philippians 4 verses 4 - 5 Is this possible? When? How? Why is
gentleness mentioned?
D. Do not be Anxious – Philippians 4 verses 6 - 7 How is this possible? What step does
Paul advise? What attitude does he add?
E. Peace that Transcends – Philippians 4 verse 7 How does God’s peace work? Are there
circumstances where you have experienced this?
F. Think about such things – Philippians 4 verses 8 – 9 What is true and noble in your life
right now?
What is right and pure?
What is lovely and admirable?
What is excellent and praiseworthy?
How do you feel after answering these questions?
Philippians – class 8
Chapter 4:10 - 23
A. The Secret – Philippians 4 verses 10 - 13
Paul says he has learned a secret. What does it feel like to hear or know a secret? What
emotions pop up?
What is his secret? How difficult is this secret? Do you think this relates to our last class at all? When do you struggle the most – in plenty or in want?
B. “I can do all things” – verse 13. What do you think of this statement? How common is it to
hear this? Who provided Paul’s strength and how might this build on our last class?
C. Giving and Receiving – verses 14 - 18. Paul shares a mutual lifestyle with his friends in
Philippi of giving and receiving. How might this lifestyle have developed? What would it look
like back then? What would that look like now, in our neighborhood?
What is easier for you – to give or receive? Why do you think that is?
D. All your needs – verses 19 - 20. Why can Paul be confident about this? What does this
say about God’s awareness of us? God’s nature? His character?
E. According to the riches of God’s glory – verse 20. According is a word that translates “in
relationship to” or “in harmony with”. How does the glory of God’s riches harmonize with the
nature of the Philippians’ nature? What does this say about our design as human beings?
F. All God’s people – verses 20 - 23. Paul closes with a collective greeting. What is
happening in Caesar’s household? How? Why does this matter to the Philippians? Why
does it matter to us? How relational is God? How generous is God?
If you don’t already have a reading plan, keep reading into the book of Colossians, 1 Thessalonians and 2 Thessalonians. Keep a journal. Share with like-minded friends!
Pam Gurrentz – Bio
Pam has been a disciple of Jesus for 39 years and was baptized in the Boston University summer campus ministry. She, along with 17 others, helped to plant the New York City Church of Christ.
She has been married to Tom for 36 years and is the mother of Tess and Ben. She loves being the grandmother of Lucas, Jamie and Leah. She helped to plant SRQ House Church six years ago in Sarasota, Florida and loves developing the house church model and being a part of the Florida Regional Family of churches.