Greetings & namaste, sisters!
I am excited about this platform to connect with you. My name is Bethany Monday. I am a wife, mom of 7-year-old & 4-year-old boys, women's ministry leader in Philadelphia, and also a certified yoga instructor. I discovered yoga in college in Athens, GA while getting my Kinesiology degree. It didn't take long for me
to see how yoga impacted my physical and emotional health. As I developed my own practice, I naturally began to connect with God on my mat. Over the years, as I would casually share what was helping me in my own walk, others began to ask me to lead unofficial God-centered practices at events, retreats, and camps. Going into full yoga studios, I saw how people were searching for something spiritual, and I
believed yoga was a way God wanted me to reach them.
In 2019 I felt led—pushed, really—by God to get certified in yoga and started that year-long journey in February of 2020; yes, right before the world shut down. God's timing could not have been more perfect, because I decided to embrace virtual life and share what I was learning in my teacher training program with the world and post God-centered yoga practices online. I like to describe my practices as an experiential quiet time. There are various levels and themes available that all incorporate God's Word and meditation to help you slow down and connect with yourself so that you can connect with God and His truth.
My own brand "Spirit & Truth Yoga: Bringing God Onto Your Mat" comes from Jesus' teaching in John 4:"true worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." During the pandemic, I made about 20 videos available on my Facebook page and YouTube. Currently, I host a free God-centered yoga practice in my community once a month. I have yet to have a practice without a visitor. Whether this tool is used to reach the lost or to strengthen the saved by providing a new avenue to refresh and deepen your own walk with God, either way it is my gift to you.
Dec 1, 2022, 9:02:07 AM
Tally Green - This is awesome. I am so glad I found this site. Thank God for my nephew an Elder in the Chicago church calling this week and spoke with me about this site and the December Advent series. Thank you to my disciple sister who sent me the link this morning. God is so good. I love how you incorporated God and yoga to connect. I do yoga as well and love it.
Nov 30, 2022, 9:42:00 PM
Christina Gerst - Sounds awesome:)
Nov 30, 2022, 8:29:40 PM
Carla Toth - Thank you