Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we
(from “O Holy Night”)
By Marika Riverso
Milan, Italy
Scripture Reading:
Luke 2:10
Philippians 4:4-5
Psalm 97
Each of us has our own personal way in which we are best able to enter into intimacy and in contact with God. For some it may be reading the scriptures; for some, evangelizing; for some, praying; for some, writing to Him. Everyone has their own original way to connect.
The way that most helps me to hear God is to sing. I love music! For me it’s the waves in which I like to swim every moment of the day and in every moment of my life. I like to seek and hear God in a song, even if it isn’t spiritual; in a melody or in a verse that tells of love for life. I like to close my eyes, raise my heart to heaven and sing with my soul.
Photo Credits:
(Joyful Praise pic)
Photo by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash
God always makes Himself heard. My heart vibrates and my voice trembles. Why? Because if I think of the scriptures, my heart overflows with love. Beginning in Genesis, the scriptures declare God’s love, through the creation of the world - a world for us. When I look around and see nature, other people, the sun rising in the morning, the color of the sky, the wind, the sea, or hear the song of a bird ... in everything I see God. In everything, I feel His love. It is emotional.
Continuing in the Gospels, we finally see that Holy Night, that Divine Night, the coming of the Lord who, few knew, would change and save the world. I am deeply in love with life and I want to let God know every day with songs and spiritual hymns. Despite the frenzy of the holidays, despite the difficulty of the many things to do, although there may be fatigue in everyday life, I think it is important to carve out a moment each day where we can stop, look with the heart and praise God with all our spirit. How much can a moment like this regenerate and heal and strengthen our souls?
Questions for Reflection:
- What are your favorite ways to connect with God?
- How does your level of gratitude affect the frequency and intensity of your praise for God?
- What are some ways to increase your gratitude?
Today I will:
Find at least one moment in your day when you can stop, fix your gaze on Jesus (Hebrews 12: 2), and let the Spirit guide you toward prayer and songs of gratitude and love for our Father and Savior. Let’s celebrate God!
About the Author:
Marika Riverso is 28 years old and lives in Milan, Italy. She is an educator for children with disabilities and a university student. “I want to study because I am in love with my job and how I can love others with God, and studying allows me to deepen my love for others,” she says. Marika was baptized in 2018 and joyfully admits, “I don’t remember ever having lived such a beautiful life than since I met God!”
To hear a special version of "O Holy Night" performed by your sister Amy Kinzer, please click the image below:
Inni di gioia
di Marika Riverso
Milan, Italia
Luca 2:10
Filippesi 4:4-5
Salmi 97
Ciascuno di noi ha una propria personale modalità con cui riesce meglio ad entrare in intimità ed in contatto con Dio: chi leggendo le scritture, chi evangelizzando, chi pregando, chi scrivendo a lui, ognuno ha un proprio modo originale per sentirlo.
Il modo che più aiuta me a sentire Dio è cantare. Amo la musica, per me è l'insieme delle onde dentro le quali mi piace nuotare in ogni momento della giornata ed in ogni momento della mia vita. Mi piace cercare e sentire Dio in una canzone, anche se non è spirituale: in una melodia o in una strofa che racconta dell'amore per la vita.
Mi piace chiudere gli occhi, alzare il cuore al cielo e cantare con l'anima: Dio si fa sentire sempre, mi vibra il cuore e mi trema la voce. Perché? Perché se penso alle scritture il mio cuore straborda di amore. Cominciando da Genesi, con la creazione del mondo - un mondo per noi; se mi guardo intorno, la natura, le altre persone, il sole che si alza al mattino, il colore del cielo, il vento, il mare, il canto di un uccellino...in ogni cosa rivedo Dio, in ogni cosa sento il suo amore. È commovente.
Continuando nei vangeli, dove finalmente vediamo quella notte santa, quella notte divina, la venuta del Signore che, pochi lo sapevano, avrebbe cambiato e salvato il mondo. Sono profondamente innamorata della vita e voglio farlo sapere a Dio ogni giorno con canti e innici spirituali. Nonostante la frenesia delle giornate, nonostante la difficoltà delle tante cose da fare, nonostante ci possa essere fatica nella quotidianità. Penso sia importante ritagliarsi un momento ogni giorno dove potersi fermare, guardare col cuore e lodare Dio con tutto il nostro spirito. Quanto può rigenerare e risanare e rinforzare un momento così?
Tu riesci a trovare almeno un momento al giorno dove poterti fermare e celebrare Dio? Sfidiamo noi stesse: impariamo a fermarci durante il giorno, fissiamo lo sguardo su Gesù (Ebrei 12:2) e lasciamoci guidare dallo spirito verso preghiere e canti di gratitudine e amore per il nostro Papà e Salvatore.
Mi chiamo Marika, ho 28 anni e vivo a Milano, in Italia. Sono un'educatrice per bambini con disabilità ed anche una studentessa universitaria: voglio studiare perché sono innamorata del mio lavoro e di come posso amare gli altri insieme a Dio e studiare mi permette di approfondire il mio amore verso gli altri. Mi sono battezzata il 25 Febbraio del 2018 e non ricordo di aver mai vissuto una vita così bella da quando ho incontrato Dio.
Dec 23, 2022, 12:27:27 AM
Rolayo - Thanks for the encouragement to be intentional to take a moment each day to just stop and fix my gaze on Jesus. Thank you for the call to worship and connect with God deeply. Sending love from Lagos, Nigeria.
Dec 19, 2022, 7:57:21 PM
Wendy Hislop - Dear Marika, Thank you for sharing your love for god and worship. Love from Sydney NSW Australia.
Dec 19, 2022, 6:22:35 PM
Melissa - Thank you Maria! This is a very encouraging devotional. How singing is a pleasant and fitting way to praise God (Psalm 147:1). Also I believe it strengthened Jesus and his disciples, as they sang hymns together before going to the Mount of Olives (Mathew 26:30, Mark 14:26) Thank you again! Sending love from Boise, Idaho.
Dec 18, 2022, 8:14:56 PM
Lalita Farncis - Thanks sis for sharing the heart of worship. I love to talk to Jesus and thanks him for the grace that he has been pouring for me, my family and disciples around .
Dec 17, 2022, 10:39:00 PM
Ida - The joy of reflecting on God in two different languages wow!!! Thank you for guiding our hearts and to take time out to focus our hearts on connecting with God it is amazing God always makes himself heard through nature through people through children through family through his word especially through his Son Jesus thank you for encouraging us all to take a small time out to connect our hearts and soul with God .
Dec 17, 2022, 7:05:45 PM
Maria - Thank you so much Marika for such an amazing description of the way you connect with God through music, it reflects exactly how I feel anytime I sing. Thank you for reminding me to be grateful in everything. Love from Chicago!