Testimony: Mariana Vergara Pérez
By Mariana Vergara Pérez
My name is Mariana Vergara, I am 27 years old, and I have been a disciple of Christ for 12 years. In 2008, when I was a teenager, I was in the midst of a painful situation, my parents' divorce. Being the oldest of three siblings, it was obvious to me that my parents' marriage was extremely complicated and my dream of growing up in a functional family was becoming impossible to achieve. Seeing my dad leave the house and knowing we were alone devastated my heart a lot, but my mom's heart much more.
We had to continue on our own, but I perceived in my mother a constant search for God. One day she decided to open her heart to a co-worker who shared with her these words: “Tere, you cannot continue with a heart full of resentment and bitterness. You need to learn to love and forgive, but above all to know God.”
So my mom decided to go to a women's conference. That's when God spoke to her life, and she made the decision to want to walk by His side. A week later, she took my sister and me to another conference. I remember that the scripture on the invitation was:
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. (Psalm 147:3 NIV)
We made this scripture ours. We decided to believe in that great promise of God, since we arrived with sad and broken hearts. It took my mom a month and a half to be able to be baptized. It was a memorable day, because I saw joy again in her, and I knew that it came from God. Her wounds had been healed; she was another woman and another mother for me and for my brothers.
A few months after my mother was baptized, I decided to study the Bible. It was not an easy decision since I knew that it implied commitment and responsibility to God. In reality my heart was full of bitterness, resentment, and hatred towards my father. However, I was willing to make the necessary changes to be right with God and give Him my life. I was fifteen years old. It was the best decision to live by His side. It has been wonderful to give Him my time and effort.
Four years passed in which we constantly prayed and fasted for my father's heart, specifically so that he would know God and repent. Truthfully, we were surprised when he responded so quickly. He was baptized in April 2012. He remarried my mother and once again we were beginning to live as a family according to God's will.
As time passed, God continued to bless us because we saw the lives of my brothers transform and watched them enter God’s Kingdom. Brandon was baptized in May 2015, and Valeria in July 2018.
I also had the privilege of studying in the school of missions and being one of the first generation to graduate as young ministers. I decided to accept that call to the ministry. I know I was chosen by God and that my mission and calling are very great. I am willing to give everything for Him and to Him. It is the least I can do since He gave everything for me.
In October 2018, I received another of God’s greatest blessings. At the age of 24, I had the privilege of dating a great disciple. Luis Ángel is my first boyfriend and learning how to walk with God together is something I have enjoyed during the last three years. In December 2021 we got engaged; it is a dream come true. I feel more than grateful to see the deepest desires of my heart being fulfilled in my life. Psalm 37:4, another of my favorite scriptures, has come true.
Finally (for now), we experienced another great miracle from God. In November 2021 my paternal uncles turned to God. We had prayed for them for thirteen years. Living this great blessing made me think of another scripture that came true in my life:
They answered, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you and your family will be saved.” (Acts 16:31 GW)
We are very grateful because our eyes have been blessed to see the greatness and power of God. I am convinced and certain that giving my life to God when I was young has led me to experience such unimaginable things.
To God be the honor and glory. I love you in Christ. Your sister Mariana Vergara.
Jun 28, 2022, 7:08:26 PM
Eva Segura de Ramírez - Gracias Mariana por compartir tu testimonio me inspira mucho la forma como Dios ha obrado en tu vida y en tu familia