Editors’ note:
If you speak Spanish and live in North or South America or the Caribbean, you may already be familiar with the name Carolina Hermida de Figueroa, of the Tlaxcala Church of Christ, Mexico .
We imagine you might have a knowing smile on your lips as you watch the rest of us catch up and discover the treasure we have in her as a sister in Christ.
For those of us who aren’t blessed to be able to speak Spanish, or perhaps live elsewhere, we think this ten-minute video testimony introducing Carolina Hermida de Figueroa is very inspirational. We believe she is the first woman not only in Latin America but in our entire movement to be officially appointed as a recognized Teacher of the Bible.
We won’t spoil the enjoyment for you of hearing her share the details of her story in this video in her own words, as much as we’re tempted to spill some of them here. Though she has been a disciple for over 30 years, her fresh joy, faith and passion for God’s word fairly explode out of her in this video, like a geyser of the living water that Jesus promises us. Carolina has the combined experience of the rigors of higher theological education as well as practical ministry experience in the trenches and still retains an impressive childlike humility and enthusiasm. What a great example of a mature woman in Christ! We hope you’ll enjoy watching this and becoming acquainted with her as much as we did.
Aug 17, 2022, 10:16:50 PM
Dolly Franco - Can you please advise how I can take the online classes with Carolina Hermida de Figueroa?
Jul 21, 2022, 5:16:45 AM
Chris Cowles - Www.Guatemalanaomiministry.blog/blog
Jun 28, 2022, 11:03:39 AM
Maria Judith Tornero - Quiero ser alumna a los pies de Cristo. Como puedo acceder a tus talleres hermana. Estoy en la Iglesia de Toluca.
Jun 27, 2022, 11:03:27 PM
Ramona Ureña - Carolina, me anima mucho tu testimonio a dónde mencionas que hay que aprender para poder enseñar lo bello y la grandeza de nuestro Dios amoroso, gracias por tu sabiduría dada por Dios yo quiero ser una alumna a los pies de nuestro padre celestial. Saludos 👋
Jun 27, 2022, 5:38:52 PM
Norma B.eltran - Gracias está frace me gusta la palabra transformadora.
Jun 27, 2022, 1:22:23 PM
Angie Botello - Gracias querida Caro, Dios te sigue transformando y te usa para que sigamos haciéndolo nosotras a imagen de Cristo
Jun 27, 2022, 1:22:08 PM
Sandra - Dios te ha dado un hermoso don para transmitir con pasión y amor su palabra. Mil gracias Caro!
Jun 27, 2022, 1:18:06 PM
Ana Rosa Clara Herrera Arguelles - Excelente
Jun 27, 2022, 9:23:16 AM
Norma Ortiz - Me ha encantado verte y escucharte , te amamos desde hace muchos años y me anima y reta ver cómo has crecido y me voy a poner a estudiar mi biblia, gracias 🙏 ojalá un día puedas visitar Chicago y enseñarnos una clase , bendiciones!!!