About forty years ago, five years into the life of the Boston Church of Christ ( and its many mission plantings in our fellowship of the International Churches of Christ, Pat Gempel created a women's anthology, written by women on the front lines of faith, entitled The Upward Call.
Last year, Pat and her friend Amanda Frumin were inspired to republish this volume, with two main goals in mind: to issue once again an Upward Call for Christian women to be actively engaged in teaching one another the principles of Biblical discipleship to Jesus and spiritual formation; and to raise money for the Philadelphia-based youth camp, Camp Hope for Kids, ( a life-changing place of miracles for young people.
Motivating Others
by Patricia Gempel
Men and women have always been motivated to follow confident leaders. Kings have led us into battle, politicians into corruption and humanitarians into benevolence. Jesus Christ leads us to follow God (John 14:3). The greatest leader of all time, he was able to influence the entire world by motivating twelve men to follow him. Two thousand years later, his life continues to affect, change, and motivate others.
Just before Christ ascended, he transferred the responsibility of motivating others to follow him to you and to me (Matthew 28:18–20). This lesson will explore how standing for the right, having vision for another, and holding others accountable will enable us to fulfil that mission.
Standing for the Right—to the Point of Sacrifice
Jesus Christ distinguished himself as the only human being to ever live a life completely obedient to God. Christ’s obedience or standing for the right is what allows us to know God and help others know him.
Jesus faced every temptation we face yet never sinned (Hebrews 4:15). He was tempted to be prideful, to seek power, and to give up when things were hard, but he continued to be obedient to God, demonstrating true courage and strength. He is our perfect example of self-control. He did not let his fears undo him as he faced the most challenging time of his life, the cross. He prayed for God’s power to follow through with their plan. In Mark 14:33–36 we read:
He took Peter, James and John along with him, and he began to be deeply distressed and troubled. “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,” he said to them. “Stay here and keep watch.”
Going a little farther, he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him. “Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”
Three times Jesus prayed and then began his walk to the cross. Rejected and denied by his apostles, beaten, ridiculed, and finally crucified, he gave us a perfect example of sacrificial obedience to God’s will, no matter what the cost. His plea is for us today to help each other do the same.
How Do I Begin Sacrificing?
Our task is to motivate ourselves and others to want to be like Christ. We must see the need to change, understand how to change, and generate the desire to change in ourselves and others. That requires action to the point of sacrifice. That is why we must desire to be like Christ. That is what it means to repent. Few of us have ever shed blood for the sake of doing right. Some of us may have been ridiculed and a few completely rejected. It shouldn’t surprise us, therefore, that we have difficulty relating to Christ’s perfection and the extent of his sacrifice. Yet we are called to follow his example (Luke 14:27) and to sacrifice whatever is necessary. (Mark 8:34–37).
My experiences have shown me that learning to sacrifice begins with doing things I know are right but aren’t convenient. Decide to use the opportunities given you each day to do what is right: that is, to love and obey God (1 John 5:4). To motivate others, we ourselves must obey God (1 John 5:4). To motivate others, we must be doing what we know is right and encourage others to do likewise. Ask yourself: am I making the most of my opportunities? Consider these:
- Am I praying that God will draw me closer to him? (Psalm 51:10) and that He will lead me today to do whatever He sees I can do?
- Am I hungering and thirsting for righteousness? (Matthew 5:6)
- Do I study God’s word each day? (Colossians 3:16)
- Do I pray on all occasions? (Ephesians 6:18)
- Do I share my faith every day? (Luke 19:10)
- Do I help others mature in their faith? (Ephesians 4:14–15)
When we start trying to follow Jesus, it is a sacrifice to do those things at all. Our priorities must constantly be rearranged (Matthew 6:33). As we grow in the area of putting our faith into action, our motivation to sacrifice increases; and we are able to do those same things more willingly. The union of faith and action is what makes us complete (James 2:22). Jesus’ sacrifice encourages me to sacrifice, which in turn encourages someone else to sacrifice -- and the discipling, motivational principle is repeated.
How Do I Know I’m Sacrificing?
Sacrifice is a personal thing. What is a sacrifice to me may not be a sacrifice to you and vice versa. What is right or scripturally correct is absolute. For example, Jesus told us in John 15:16-17: “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last— and so whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.”
So, he promised us that God will give us whatever we ask in his name. The teaching to bear fruit and to pray for what we need is clear. Many times, I have been obedient to this teaching—without sacrifice. But when I give something up to do right, it always means more to me and others.
Recently I was called to sacrifice to obey. A few days before Christmas, a situation developed when our two children and their spouses arrived home for the first time in many months. My parents had also just arrived. We were excited as we anticipated a family dinner and a long evening together. Then we received a call from a new brother who wanted my husband and I to study the Bible with a friend of his from college who would only be in town a few days.
Because of other commitments, this was the only time they had available. What should we do? Where should we place our priorities? After talking and praying about the situation, we decided to do the Bible study that night. It meant sacrificing precious time with our family and praying to have the right attitude. God answered that prayer as well as our desire that the study would make a difference in the life of each person. The young Christian is much stronger today because he has been successfully sharing his faith. His friend has begun learning how to follow God. And our family’s visit was great even without those hours.
Christ’s sacrifices were necessary to motivate us to do right. We must be willing to sacrifice also to encourage and motivate others to follow Christ’s example. Sacrifice allows us to grow in our ability to do what is right and is prompted by a spirit willing to obey. Remember: you are sacrificing when you are doing right regardless of convenience.
Vision for Another—Growth through the Counsel of Disciples
Having clearly and lovingly defined responsibilities and goals for growth is another key to motivating others. Discipling relationships must include giving one another concrete ways of meeting goals and fulfilling responsibilities. What do you want to be doing in three years? What do you expect those around you who are striving to be like Christ to be doing in three years? Based on the teaching of Christ in John 5, what vision and goals does he have for you and me in the next three years? My deep desire to please God, coupled with His vision for me, motivates me to submit to His authority in my life. My concern for others’ growth causes me to have vision for them.
Have God’s Vision for Yourself
If we are going to motivate others to grow, we need to be enthusiastic, God-seeking, perpetual students of his word. We can’t teach what we haven’t learned. This is easy to understand in the secular world. We learn how to drive from a driving teacher. We study chemistry with the most experienced and knowledgeable chemistry teacher. Everything we know, we learned from someone else.
Learning from God, our creator, the One that can give us peace and teach us to love, who sent His son to be a sacrifice for us, is different. We should approach God humbly, not merely telling Him what we want but asking Him what we should do. He knows what we are struggling to attain. We should ask for His wisdom and His direction and ask Him to put His will into our minds and hearts and into the minds and hearts of other disciples that we trust.
What kind of teacher are you? Jesus commands us to be people filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22–23). He wants us to be respectable (Titus 2), good listeners (James 1:19) and fruitful (John 15:1–8).
We must:
- Obey God’s commands.
- Remain in Christ’s love (John 15:9, 10).
- Love others as Jesus loves us.
- Lay down our lives for others (1 John 3:16).
- Teach others (1 John 3:16) and teach them to obey what He commands (Matthew 18:18–20).
I am challenged by these thoughts. We want to motivate ourselves and others to change -- but how? -- enthusiastically teach God’s word. Share your knowledge in a very specific, positive, and loving way. Commit yourself to individuals and believe in their ability to change. Understand that all things are possible with God (Mark 10:27) and that no one has ever been overcome who wanted to stand firm (1Corinthians 10:12–13). Learn from and teach each other with the depth of commitment that David and Jonathan had for each other and with the sincere love of Christ. Pray always for God to show you how.
Have Vision for Your Friends
In John 15, Jesus called himself our friend because he taught us everything God taught him. As we try to motivate others to change, deep friendships should develop. Consider my relationship with Donna who is my sister, twice -- spiritually and physically. Donna is thirteen years younger than I am and single. She has, by nature, humor, compassion, and a love for God. Four years ago, she moved to Boston and became a Christian. My vision for her was that she would become a Bible discussion group leader who could successfully lead others to the Lord and mature them in their faith.
My vision was followed by specific instruction. I believed that if she would just keep learning, keep praying and keep trying, she would succeed. I praised her successes and critiqued her failures. We have had some talks that challenged both of us. Donna says sometimes I have been “obnoxious.” With time we both changed. My vision is being fulfilled and Donna is bearing lasting fruit. Those she is influencing are influencing others. As we continue to teach one another what we have learned from Christ, our friendship has deepened and drawn us closer to one another and to the Lord.
There are many others I work with closely. I dream of what they will be someday. In each case, I see their unique talents and believe they can add to those talents through specific instruction and practice. I think of Jennifer, who works with me and is teaching me patience as I teach her completeness and timeliness. Syntcha is developing confidence to add to her brilliance. Kim Ann is learning to share her faith. Elena, the one who has taught me most about Christ’s gentleness, has been learning to be a stronger and more confident minister’s wife. Betty is learning to express her love and compassion. Muriel, one of the boldest soldiers of Christ I know, is learning to communicate effectively. Those relationships require commitment to the Lord and commitment to teach each other. They are dynamic, challenging at times, and always encouraging. Specific teaching in real life situations has changed those willing disciples of Christ to be more like him.
Think about God’s vision for you. Dream about what God can accomplish through you and those around you. Become friends with each other as Jesus is our friend. The specifically communicated vision of a friend enables a person to grow more quickly. Don’t expect absolute perfection, but be encouraged that God is always at work.
Accountability—a Motivation to Achieve
A third essential element in motivating others is being willing to hold another person accountable to Christ’s example. On judgment day, we will be held accountable by God for the impact of our lives. He will judge us by the words of Christ (John 12:48) and reward us according to our individual labor (1 Corinthians 3:8). We have been warned to work and build carefully (1 Corinthians 3:10) so that God can make our efforts grow (1 Corinthians 3:7). When we keep those scriptural concepts in mind, we are grateful for brothers and sisters who love us enough to hold us accountable for our productiveness in God’s Kingdom, his church.
Each person needs to accept responsibility for the outcome of his efforts and be willing to be held accountable. Again, we understand this concept in the secular areas of our lives. We have all been held accountable for learning in school through exams and grades. How many tests have you taken in school? How many exams have you taken to test your knowledge of God’s word? What was your attitude toward such an exam? Were you eager to be held accountable? At work, we are held accountable by deadlines. When we miss our deadlines, our supervisors are upset, and we may not get a raise or promotion. When my secretary doesn’t come to work on time or doesn’t accomplish an assigned task appropriately, she is held accountable.
Hebrews 3:12–13 commands us to hold each other accountable for our spiritual growth and performance. Our growth is an eternal issue. We can inspire one another to grow in the following ways:
Express your desire and willingness to learn from and teach one another to be Christlike. Each individual needs to have specific goals. Successful growth should be rewarded with sincere positive encouragement. Lack of success should be acknowledged as we try to succeed (Ephesians 4:16). Without this kind of communication, spiritual growth at best will be slowed. If discussions don’t go well, it can steal the joy of our friendships and our desire to grow. Pray for God to lead you.
Common responses to being held accountable are defensiveness, resentment, bitterness, hurt feelings and giving up. If these are feelings you have had, examine yourself and pray. Ask yourself whether there is pride, or a misunderstanding of the purpose of Christlike relationships? Is it a lack of Biblical knowledge? Whatever the reason, overcome, and strive to be open; with self-control say what you are thinking to someone that can help you read the Scriptures and persevere. God is with you.
Work through every problem that arises. Christians are challenged to be united (John 17). Many times, though, we mistake glossing over problems for unity. In our hearts we know the difference, but our actions are inconsistent.
Few people I know enjoy working through sticky situations with a brother or sister. Matthew 18:15 tells us how to do that in a Christlike way. Nevertheless, we can want the conflict to disappear without any real effort. We can become lazy and superficial in our analysis. If you are going to be effective for the Lord, however, you must respond to his prayer in John 17 and be as united with your brothers and sisters as Jesus is with God. There must be no divisions between us. This does not mean that we won’t ever get angry or that we won’t need to work through differences. It means what it says: there should be no differences remaining between us.
How An Evangelistic Team Holds One Another Accountable
We must motivate one another to work as partners in the gospel, coaching individuals on how to be part of a team effort. In 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4 we are taught that working together as one body pleases God and is essential for our growth. John 15:17 describes the way to achieve unity: “This is my command: Love each other.” This is difficult for men to do. In my opinion, it is more difficult for us girls to do. Let me share what that means to the Bible Discussion Group (the small evangelistic team) that meets in our home. Our goal is to help others find God and for each of us to continue to become increasingly effective. Our motivations are to please God and help each other. This group works together to learn about leadership, discipleship, and evangelistic effectiveness. We are held accountable by the leader of the group and one another.
We have a group of ten multi-talented Christians that meet in our home once a week for a one-hour Bible discussion. The one-hour meeting is a small part of our relationship with each other. During the week, we each see other members of that group several times. We have fun together, helping each other to get acquainted with others who visit the discussion group. Every other week we have dinner together. We study the Bible with each other and with friends who aren’t yet Christians. We meet as friends to discuss ways to change to be more like Christ (Hebrews 10:23–25). We bear one another’s burdens: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When misunderstandings and bad feelings arise, we work together to settle our differences (Matthew 18:15). When one struggles, all come to their aid. For the past two years, this team has doubled itself each year. The people that have become Christians are men and women from 15 to 82. Some are married, some single. Almost all are still faithful Christians. Several new discussion groups have been started and new leaders have developed. We work as a team to help others find God and to help each other grow strong. Each person is growing in their sense of responsibility to the others in the group.
We learn about leadership from the team leader, my husband. My role in this group is to support his leadership and to be personally fruitful myself. He sets goals for our group, and each member responds. He sets the pace for all of us with love and loyalty to each Christian team member. He is the most effective teacher, soul-winner and soul-maturer on the team. He teaches us what he knows. Others grow because of their relationship with this enthusiastic, positive leader.
Another important key to the continued growth of our team is truthful teamwork. It is written in Ephesians 4:15—each member strives to speak the truth in love, as each part does its work. We work together to keep each other strong and share our beliefs with others. We have observed that this love, loyalty, sacrifice, and specific teaching draws others to God.
Summary: Motivating Others
1. Standing for the Right—to the Point of Sacrifice.
We want to motivate others to desire to be Christ-like. The word of God tells us what to do. Our task is to live a life that shows we are following Christ and then to teach others to obey also. We must do and teach what is right with the intensity and goal orientation which meaningful personal sacrifice inspires.
2. Vision for Another—growth through the specific counsel of friends. Our growth and the growth of others depends upon how clearly we understand Christ’s vision and call to grow. We need to help each other understand what we can do. Frequently, we can’t see clearly what it is that we can accomplish. We need to help each other see Christ’s vision and help each other realize the victory. To do this, we must be involved in each other’s lives.
3. Accountability—a Motive to Achieve. Our goals, responsibilities, and vision are all measured by God by what we accomplish. We need to hold each other accountable for our own growth and the growth of others. To God be the glory, great things HE can do through a willing, visionary person who isn’t afraid to be held accountable. Jesus held the apostles accountable.
Amen. I love you. I am praying for you.
Motivating Others
Response by Tammy Fleming
Tests are coming
As I write this response, I’m living a year I never thought I would see, not in my wildest dreams. In the 1990s my husband and I oversaw the planting of dozens of churches in Russia and Ukraine. Now these two countries are at war. An estimated 1000 disciples, mostly women and children, have evacuated from our churches in Ukraine and are scattered across Europe and the UK, and have suddenly been torn from their homes, possessions, jobs, aging parents, young sons, and brothers. They have been torn from their language and their culture – their lives. Many members of our Russian churches have abandoned their homes and possessions and left their country as well. Families are physically separated. Some are emotionally alienated, finding themselves on opposite sides of the hostile border, among other excruciating hardships.
Many were not spiritually prepared for this unexpected test of faith. This is a fire, testing the quality of what we’ve invested in for a large part of our lives, as the apostle Paul warned us would happen in 1 Corinthians 3:13. This is a moment of accountability.
You might think, nothing like that is bound to happen to me anytime soon. Except that it certainly will: Catholic theologian Richard Rohr writes, “Sooner or later, if you are on any classic ‘spiritual schedule,’ some event, person, death, idea, or relationship will enter your life that you simply cannot deal with, using your present skill set, your acquired knowledge, or your strong willpower. Spiritually speaking, you will be, you must be, led to the edge of your own private resources.” (Rohr, Falling Upward, p 65)
May God’s church and his people be ready to receive us and strengthen us when we hit this wall. This will require competent godly leadership and willing godly followership – we must be ready to collaborate, to be humble learners, and to gain the needed skills for whatever role God calls us to play. We don’t know what’s coming. Therefore, as Pat has said: Our task is to motivate ourselves and others to want to be like Christ.
Motivating like Jesus
When I think of Jesus and the qualities of his leadership, what inspires me most is his trustworthiness along with his undying and limitless love for me. He proves to me that I can trust his love because of the incomparable wisdom of his word and by the example of his obedient, sacrificial human life. He suffered for you and for me in many ways long before submitting to the cruel torture and death on that Roman cross (see blog on Jesus and Loss). What motivates me to want to motivate others to grow toward him is my conviction that he understands each one of us perfectly. He “gets” us, even as he calls us upward in our thoughts and hearts and actions. If I want to effectively motivate others – they need to feel that I “get” them, too.
I can testify to the fact that Pat still lives and breathes the idealism of what she wrote four decades ago in this chapter of The Upward Call. There was tremendous idealism and zeal in the Boston church of Christ in the early 80s, when this book was written and compiled. Those were both untainted words in those days -- idealism and zeal. I was baptized into Christ in Boston in 1985, just one year later. My boyfriend was invited to church while he was at work by a cold contact. A customer had come into the print shop where he was working, invited him to Bible talk, and they met for lunch that day and had their first Bible study. He then began to meet with the church, continued to study the Bible, and was baptized in two weeks’ time. I followed suit and was baptized two weeks after him. He’s still faithful nearly forty years later and so am I. It was faithful. It was “radical.” Our conversions were quick, and they were thorough and solid – as evidenced by the fruit of each of our lives since then.
The heart behind Pat’s formula for successfully motivating others – standing for the right even if it means sacrifice, having vision for one another’s spiritual growth, and accountability in one-another relationships – in my experience, reflects the culture of the part of the church I was “born” into at the age of 25. The atmosphere at that time, during my first year as a Christian before I moved overseas to join the Swedish mission team, was inspiring, motivational, and multigenerational.
How do I know I’m sacrificing?
Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the LORD.
Psalm 4:5 NASB
Pat makes the valid point that inconveniencing ourselves is unavoidable if we want to be like Jesus and if we hope to inspire others to follow him. She writes, “Sacrifice is a personal thing. What is a sacrifice to me may not be a sacrifice to you and vice versa. What is right or scripturally correct is absolute.” Pat clearly believes (and I agree with her) that one “absolute” the Bible calls us to is to share our faith and to be evangelistic. Indeed, this often requires serious sacrifice on our part – but this is not the only kind of noble sacrifice we may be called to make as we follow in Christ’s footsteps.
In her personal example, Pat sacrifices rare time with out-of-town family members to study the Bible with someone and support a young Christian in their evangelism. I’m not convinced that Pat means for us to understand that dropping everything to go share our faith with someone on the spur of the moment would always be the correct choice, according to the Bible. What is right or scripturally correct in this example is, to me, very far from absolute. But Pat’s question is worthy to consider for those of us who welcome an Upward Call – how do I know I’m sacrificing, and sacrificing the right things and not the wrong things? Ephesians 5:10 exhorts us to “find out what pleases the Lord.” We are probably all familiar with Jesus’ words in Luke 9:23, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself…” But how do we know what exactly is good for us in our efforts to follow Jesus? Personally, I have made some wrong sacrifices and denied things I shouldn’t have been denying, thinking I was pleasing God at the time, but now I think differently. For example: Denying myself to be devoted to the fellowship after church by lingering long after the service had ended, while neglecting my kids who were starving and wanted lunch. Denying myself to give to the church as much of my time and energy as possible but then regularly skimping on sleep. This had a negative impact on my health, which is always unwise in the long run. In hindsight, I can see that those weren’t the things to be sacrificing for me and my situation at that time.
Certainly, it takes sacrifice to be effective evangelistically. It is inspiring and motivating to be in a congregation where most people are engaged in evangelism in some way and new people are being baptized on a regular basis. I know I need this upward call. I want it to be present in my church congregation. Without it, I would be a far more selfish Christian, and I would not have some of the most precious friendships that I enjoy in my life -- I wouldn’t have had the heart on my own to reach out to them and share my faith. I need this godly motivation in my church community! Personally, I have never enjoyed sharing my faith “cold contact” with strangers on the street. For me, that kind of sharing my faith is pure self-denial and sacrifice; and I still do it because God has proven to me over the years that He is perfectly capable of turning such a feeble method into a fabulous miracle -- even in places like Stockholm, Sweden, and my hometown area of greater New York, where atheistic and skeptical locals and even baptized disciples have said to me, “that will never work here!” and then it does.
I much prefer building relationships over time and talking about God when it feels more authentic and natural to do so. Ultimately, however it begins, whatever unfolds, it is always a sacrifice to help another person learn how to walk in the Way. May we sacrifice with wisdom. We won’t always get it right. But as we stumble stumble along the path after Jesus, allowing ourselves to be motivated by others, learning as much as we can from God ourselves, is undeniably worth it.
I can help this one
Thinking more about the question: Am I/are we making right sacrifices that are pleasing to God? I wonder about the problem of loneliness in our fellowship (and in our communities). As time goes on, what does it look like for us to be the kingdom of God and provide family for our increasing number of widows? What will the sunset years be like for our heroic mature single women, who became disciples decades ago and have faithfully lived in celibacy, and have no family to care for them or keep them company in old age and illness? I wonder if we are ready to sacrifice space, time, and money to embrace our older single people, in the way that the apostle John adopted Jesus’ mother as his own in response to Jesus’ words to them on the cross. Who else could be the people in danger of feeling marginalized and overlooked in our churches? Women married to men who are not members of our fellowship; people with special needs; we could keep going and probably come up with a list that would demotivate even the superpower-gifted encouragers among us!
In 1984, when The Upward Call was written, many disciples in churches of Christ (including Pat’s in Boston and the one my husband was raised in, in Canada) met Sunday morning and Sunday evening, Wednesday night and Friday night. That included the likes of business owners and young families (my husband’s parents dragged five little kids to all those meetings every week). This kind of church schedule may be like what you’re doing right now in your church family, or you may be thinking, this is oppressive and the very opposite of motivational! No matter what the routine or the form our sacrificial worship takes, the act of sacrificing our time and convenience is a part of our journey as we grow up into Christ. We benefit, as we learn and practice spirituality, following in Jesus’ footsteps; and others benefit, as we become the family that God intends to provide for all people. We have widows and elderly and disabled people and teenagers among us who suffer from loneliness (UK Government report on wellbeing and loneliness), even in the church. Who sees them and hears them and reaches out to them? As a wise brother once remarked to me as he set off to help carry boxes and furniture for a family who was moving house that day, “I can’t help everybody…but I can help this one.”
My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you…
Galatians 4:19
And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
2 Corinthians 3:18