Fellowship of Love
Highlights of the Precious Seasoned Leadership Retreat - 2020
By: Heromi Maspaitella, Jakarta, Indonesia
In the SouthEast Asia family of the International Churches of Christ, mature single women over 35 years old are known as “Precious Women,” recalling Isaiah 43:4 (“Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you…). When the men are included, this ministry is called the “Seasoned Singles,” after the biblical metaphor of being seasoned with salt – changing, improving the flavor and preserving the goodness of God’s intentions in the world around us (Matthew 5:13). Hence, the moniker, Precious Seasoned Leadership Retreat.—Ed.
On February 16-18, 2020, a Leadership Retreat entitled, “Fellowship of Love: Living in Valor & Elegance,” took place in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Delighted to see the keen interest of so many Precious Leaders within the SEA Region (the SouthEast Asia region includes Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, and Thailand); and the non-SEA participants (Hong Kong and The Philippines), we were in total an assembly of sixty leaders from among the mature singles in our churches. Inspiring speakers shared valuable lessons on spiritual walks with God, the early formation of the Precious Community, mental health, time management, and stewardship. Following are brief summaries of the keynote speeches.
Valor and Elegance
- “Fellowship of Love: Living in Valor & Elegance,” by Vania Salim (Jakarta International Church of Christ, Indonesia)
Two noble virtues to pursue in serving and walking with God: valor& elegance. First, valor, which refers to great courage in facing danger or in battle. In Judges 6: 12-16, God chose Gideon to go and save Israel out of Midian’s hand with the strength already in him. However, Gideon was keenly aware of his own inadequacy and extremely reluctant to be Israel’s leader. God saw Gideon’s weaknesses but gave him the grace to be a courageous leader. All humans are sinful, yet even today God uses individuals despite our flaws. Proverbs 31: 25-31 is an example of a godly woman clothed with strength and dignity, through fearing the Lord. Fearing the Lord leads us to start our own search for wisdom and draws us to the grace of Jesus, who forgives our sins and equips us for righteous living. Thus, a courageous and strong person needs to be living in a righteous way: praying to God, striving to do His will, submitting fully to Him, and receiving His grace. Second, elegance refers to living in grace for His praise. Ephesians 2:8 states that, “it is by grace we have been saved, through faith,” and as a gift from God. If salvation is God’s gift given to us through faith, do we really feel blessed and secured in Him? It would help to write down all of our blessings, in order to see the good things God has indeed given us. Pray specifically for all of our concerns and needs. God does answer prayer. Answered prayers give us security in Him. Always remember God’s promises, that He provides a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we can know Him better (Ephesians 1:17-23). When we are discouraged, we can always go to Him for comfort, since His grace is always sufficient for us to live in grace for His praise, and therefore live elegantly.
Evolution of the Precious Community
- “Precious Women from Fellowship to Ministry,” by Susani Karta (Jakarta International church of Christ, Indonesia)
The Precious Women Fellowship (“PWF”) formed in 2008. We started with five “Precious Sisters” in Jakarta. Now we have grown to over 150 members across the Indonesian archipelago in 2020. PWF’s vision is to help and support Precious Sisters to grow in the “7F” characteristics (Faithful, Fruitful, Fearless, Fun, Friendly, Flourishing, Feminine), with the mission of becoming inspirational women and faithful stewards of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our identity has grown to include the Seasoned Singles Ministry, which in turn connects to the larger Asian Seasoned Singles.
Fullness in Christ and H.E.A.R.T.
As a Precious Community, we aspire to experience King David’s understanding of fullness in Christ (Psalm 27) and the apostle Paul’s godly character (H.E.A.R.T.: Hunger to please God, Expect the best, Accept responsibility, Respond in courage, and Think of others). Our hope is that, in turn, we can be a source of inspiration for others to know their identity in Christ (Accepted, Secured, and Significant).
Content, Connected, Confident
As the Seasoned Singles Ministry, we reach out to others of similar background, utilize our talents to build a loving and caring community, and live as thought we are on a mission for God. We nurture one other to grow together and develop closer relationships. We advocate the Kingdom Family; we do not put the goal of marriage up on a pedestal, but aim to live life to the fullest, in the way that God has intended for us. Being disciples of Christ, we want to always be growing to become more Christlike. Seeking discipling for our spiritual character (2 Timothy 3: 16-17) is considered an essential part of the ministry, since it will equip us for our calling (Matthew 28: 18-19). Overall, the Seasoned Singles Ministry is a ministry that helps us to be content, to feel connected, and have confidence in life.
Healing through Small Groups
- “Group Discipling to Bring Healing,” by Karen Louis (Central Christian Church, Singapore)
Life would be so much more fun, if only we could figure out how to be naturally peaceful and happy. Maybe that’s why God tells us we need to humble ourselves and become like little children (Matthew 18:3). In reality, we are not always peaceful and happy as those little children. Why do we behave the way we do? What kind of people need spiritual healing? Psalm 107 explains several different ways that God’s people suffered and how the Lord saved them and healed them: a) Directionless Spiritually (spiritually lost; or Christians with a weak relationship with God); b) Depressed Emotionally (some sat in darkness, in gloom, and iron chains); c) Rebellious Spiritually (foolish, bringing suffering on themselves); d) Setting hearts on worldly pursuits, only to find out later that it is not possible to escape God. As God was powerful enough to heal all of them in the past, He too can heal all of us through His word: the bible. However, it is essential that we view the bible from God’s perspective (positive lens, not negative one) in order to get the right message.
In practice, a functioning or healthy Small Group is essential because if Small Groups are healthy, the Church is healthy. Small groups need to be able to draw out one another’s unhealthy coping styles, whatever is causing harm; to encourage getting back in touch with the child within each of us; to be able to listen and help, to disciple (lead to Christ) and to support one another.
Strive with all our heart and remember God’s grace
- “Redeeming Your Time for God,” by Cina Ip (Hong Kong International church of Christ):
What does it mean to redeem our time for God?. First, ask: what is our purpose in life? Our purpose is living in eternity with Him (Ephesians 5: 16-17). In order to achieve this purpose, we must be sure to understand what His will is for us. Second, set our priorities (Ecclesiastes 9: 10). Manage our lives: what are the five major roles in our life? Do not forget our roles and responsibilities; fulfill our responsibilities before pursuing our own dreams or desires; and apply the Christian way in each and every one of our roles. To be a Christian is not a role, but it is a lifestyle. Third, minimize distractions (Ephesians 5:16-17). Distractions can originate from misuse of time; not following the priorities we set. We need to quick to repent, quick to plan, quick to change by seeking advice. Pray about what to change and what to prioritize. Fourth, focus on our purpose (Ecclesiastes 9: 10-11) with all your heart and mind so that we can make God happy. To do this with “all your might” means we need strength, both physical and inner strength. This is where training helps. Physical strength training: exercise, heathy diet, and discipline in making time to rest. Inner strength training: spiritual exercise (church and fellowship), spiritual food (quiet time, bible study, prayer, hearing sermons), discipline (dedication to being God-fearing and to consistent discipling relationships). Lastly, never give up (2 Corinthians 12: 9-10). It is possible that we may not be successful even when we are focusing on our purpose with all of our might. When that happens, remember that God’s grace is sufficient for us. We just need to be humble and accept God’s grace for us. In summary, manage our own life as Christians, manage our time according to God’s will, and seek the kingdom first (Matthew 6: 33).
Precious and Chosen
- “Be His Precious Steward,” by Listiana Santoso (Jakarta International church of Christ, Indonesia)
We are Precious: valuable, highly valued, and costly (Isaiah 43:1-4) and Chosen to be his steward (Isaiah 43:10). Do we want to be chosen as his steward? In Matthew 15: 8-9 we read Isaiah’s prophesy, that people honor God with their lips, but their hearts are far from Him. In Matthew 15: 10, it states that what comes out of a man’s mouth is what makes him unclean. These two verses show how purity of heart is essential in becoming God’s steward so that God can perform his miracles through our services to him. There are many women role models in the bible whom we can learn from: the Samaritan Woman (John 4); Rahab (Joshua 2); Leah (Genesis 29); and Tryphena, Tryphosa, and Persis (Romans 16:12). The impact of God’s miracles on those women were amazing. We too can be like them, used by God as his stewards; however, we need to do our part: obey him. A successful woman is one that does God’s will and lives God’s purpose for her. This means that she does not merely pursue her own goals in life, but pursues God’s will and purpose, so as to achieve her own ultimate goal: eternal life.
In summary, this Precious Seasoned Leadership Retreat has equipped us with many practical lessons and made us ponder what our response we want to make to God’s personal calling for us and to our precious identity in Christ.