The Sovereignty of God
By Jasmine Britto, Kerala, India
Day 4
Jonah 1:17
Now the LORD provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.
God is sovereign over the wind, the sea, and the fish. He appointed a huge fish to swallow Jonah and Jonah was inside the belly of the fish for three days –- a very cold, dark, and lonely place –- where God was going to meet him.
Disobedience to God brings about a spiritual decline in our lives. It is possible to know God and not live for him, and even so, God is not done with us -- just as he was not done with Jonah. That’s why he sent the fish to preserve Jonah’s life.
Jonah was in a place of spiritual apathy and God had a plan to wake him up. This took place in the belly of a fish –- a cold, dark, and lonely place.
God could have rescued Jonah in any number of ways. He chose this specific way because of the effect it would have on Jonah’s heart. God knows exactly what specific way can bring us back to his plan and how long it may take. Jonah was there in the fish’s belly for three days. We don’t know what he was doing during that time, maybe sulking. But finally, he decided to pray.
Have you ever been in a state of spiritual decline, experiencing spiritually cold, dark, and lonely times? Do you know anyone in this place right now? Maybe this describes you at this present moment.
What could be the reason for this?
Is there any pattern of disobedience to God you can discern?
It is possible that God may be trying to wake you up?
God is not done with us. He meets us right there in the dark, cold, and lonely places. He has plans to rescue us.
Prayer Focus
What are the ways God is trying/or has tried to shake us up? Pray through it, affirming his presence and plan to rescue us.
Mar 8, 2025, 8:50:28 AM
Theodora Wells - I am in a cold and dark lonely place right now . Thank you for waking me up.
Mar 7, 2025, 10:41:32 AM
Patsy Harris - Jasmine this is an awesome reminder that God will put us in a situation or place because He knows the effect it will have on our heart. I loved how you used Jonah to share this lesson. 😍