It Was You
By Yenty Khuang
GKDI Jakarta, Church of Christ in Indonesia
My brother was born when I was one and a half years old and, during that same year, our father passed away. My mom really struggled at that time. Raising two babies alone was tough for her. Therefore, I was sent to my aunt to take care of me. Our small family reunited a few years later.
There was a dark period in Indonesia in 1998. We had to return to our small hometown in Sumatra island. I returned to Jakarta a few years later to enter college. Ever since then, I have lived alone.
One day, my senior at the University invited me to attend Sunday service. At first, I attended just out of curiosity. But then I got more interested in learning the bible.
I had many weaknesses. I was egoistic, self-centered, self-righteous, greedy, stubborn, lacked empathy, rebellious, cranky, full of jealousy, people pleasing and procrastination, and always with a negative attitude. Then through bible study, I began to understand the Word of God.
One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 1:5 (NLT) – “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”
When I read this verse, I feel loved and encouraged. God’s words gradually transformed me. Eventually, I came to understand God’s grace and love for me, and I was baptized in 2004.
Over the years, friends my age married and had children. Sometimes I feel discouraged and lonely. Thank God, it has not been distracting my faith. As a mature single now, I enjoy fellowship with various groups in the church.
On 16 February 2020, I attended the Precious Women Leadership Retreat in Bogor for the first time. The initial intention was for me to just help with the IT system. Instead, I learned so much from this retreat, which was an eye-opener indeed. Through the community, I met diverse sisters from all over the regions and Asian countries. I learned from their testimonies how hard they persevere, stand strong against all odds, and live graciously as singles. I also learned that my loneliness cannot really be compared with the suffering of those sisters. From then on, I decided that I really have to focus on God instead of my worries.
During this retreat, I began to understand the motto of Precious Women. I admire their way of living in valor and elegance. Being in the Precious Women community makes me feel that I am precious in God’s eye, as stated in Isaiah 43:4a (NIV) – “Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you.
In this community, I learned to be:
Faithful in higher level, Fruitful not only by soul, Fearless to overcome the reality,
Fun to laugh out loud in life, Friendly continuously, Flourishing in areas I’m passionate about
Feminine as stated in Proverbs 31. These are the awesome principles that I want to practice as a godly woman.
I now can say: “A precious woman is a woman who chooses to become a woman as how God wanted her to be. Her happiness is from having a true relationship with God. The fullness of a Godly woman begins with the Lordship of Christ in every area of her life.”
Now, I am pursuing to live graciously and deliberately. Age is just a number. Being single is more productive and life worthy.
This thought is what has been sustaining me to make more important spiritual journeys with God. I have become more secure, not only in my heart, but also in the whole aspect of my life. Now, everyone can call me a Joyful Single.
I close with my favorite scripture Isaiah 25:1 (NIV) – “Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.”
You’re my savior from the beginning. It was You all the time.