We interviewed Venessa, an incredibly giving sister from Singapore who lives out a life of service, both professionally and personally! Although she lives a busy life, being a healthcare worker during the Covid-19 pandemic, she never compromises on serving the needs of the people around her.
What made you want to be an occupational therapist?I have always wanted to work in healthcare because I love the notion of helping others, yet I have always felt like it’s not enough just to help someone to be alive. I wanted to help people live their 'alive' lives.Being an Occupational Therapist has allowed me to empower people to be as independent as they are able, to modify a task or an environment, to problem solve and mitigate possible trouble so as to enable them to participate in occupations which they love. The most common misconception about occupational therapy is that I help people look for jobs. But occupations are not just jobs, they are activities that people do that bring meaning and purpose to them, in the different phases and milestones of life.What has it been like working as a healthcare worker during this pandemic?It was filled with challenges and obstacles.I was relocated to another hospital as the hospital I was working in had to be converted to a Covid-19 facility to cater to the needs of the nation. I was separated from my colleagues and had to leave an environment that I was already comfortable with. It was difficult and painful, but it had to be done.Knowing news first hand also made things frustrating sometimes when my friends and family would read and believe fake news, and it was very necessary for me to explain and reassure people that things are not as bad as they seem and that compulsory measures given by the government should be adhered to, even if it was not the popular opinion.As allied health professionals, we also had to support the operations of other professions as some were deployed to Covid-19 facilities and it was an interesting time, to be exposed to other duties such as assisting the nurses with serving breakfast and changing linen.It was particularly difficult when it came to my job specifically. I had a patient who could walk well, and he stayed alone and had to buy food for himself but he needed to rest occasionally on his journey to the coffeeshop. Yet, during circuit breaker, no loitering was allowed at void decks and these areas were all cordoned off. It posed as a different challenge for me to explore various ways that he could work around this and still meet his needs. It was also very painful to hear stories of elderly only eating bread everyday and being admitted into the hospital for malnutrition, or even adults who lost their jobs and started drinking and smoking excessively during the lockdown, resulting in a stroke, which really just goes to show how much this pandemic has taken a toll on everyone.Working as a healthcare worker during this pandemic has been challenging but I guess it has also been interesting and I have learnt a lot from this experience.I understand that you’re also serving as a special needs teacher for the children in church on Sundays. What has that experience been like?When I first started in 2018, I felt very inadequate. Everyone around me was either a parent with a special needs child, or a special education teacher. As an Occupational Therapist, I have worked with children with special needs but my current area of specialty is physical rehabilitation with adults, not children. Hearing the intentions of the ministry really moved my heart, which was to allow the parents of these students to attend church services without distraction or worry, and I felt strongly that this was an important support that I wanted to provide.We rotate and do a 4 month shift every year, paired up with the same student. My student is lovely; even though she has cerebral palsy and is unable to communicate verbally, we have built this rapport and telepathy where I somehow understand her gestures and sounds. Serving in the special needs ministry always reminds me of how God talks about the little children who are always pure, and it’s such an honour for me to be able to be a part of their journey in knowing and experiencing God’s love.My rotation happened to be from September 2020 till December 2020 where we did our services on zoom and it was truly, a Herculean feat. With about 6 - 7 students and 6 - 7 teachers every two weeks, we had our special time together learning about God, singing worship songs and praying together. It was definitely helpful when the parents could join in the sessions to assist us, as much as we tried to look out for each of our students but technology does have its limitations, although I am glad to say I could still understand my student’s gestures even over Zoom! Praise the lord.Besides this, you also regularly do other volunteer work. Doesn’t it get tiring? What drives you to live a life of service?Well….. I’ve always thought that I had too much of everything anyway. Too much love, too much care, concern, empathy, too much goodness and blessings from God. I often feel that if I don’t give it away, I will explode somehow. If I can do my little bit to help someone, the question is always, “Why not?” Of course, there are times where it may be tiring, especially when I already have a job that requires me to give my heart and my all. But, when it’s a lifestyle and when it’s a part of my discipleship, it’s no longer tiring. I no longer have to intentionally take extra time out to give - even moments where I help elderly up the bus, or accompany them when the red light has turned, these have become instinctive.God has blessed me abundantly in my life, and I have seen so evidently how a little truly goes a long way. A life of service draws me much closer to God every time I give my heart, because it reminds me of Jesus and that reminder makes me love God and my neighbours more. Giving my heart makes me feel loved by God because it also helps me to understand the extent of the love that God has for me and for the people around me, and this spurs and motivates me to do and see good in my everyday, in everything I do.