Being a Godly Woman is the goal of and inspiration for many women who are in Christ or at least have gotten to know God. Personally, I gain my inspiration of a Godly woman from Proverbs 31. The description of the noble character wife refers to a woman who is trustworthy, hardworking, intelligent, generous, respected, wise, faithful, and humble in heart. (Proverbs 31:10-31)
Here is one good inspiration about Godly Women written by Vania D. Salim:
Different women have different journeys of fulfilling a Godly life, in living a life that is based on God’s Word. In order to live out God’s Word, we need the church and its proper functions. Without discipling relationships and loving one another as church members, it is difficult to live the life in accordance with His Word.
My spiritual journey started in Melbourne when I came to church, studied the Bible and then got baptized 4 months later in October 1999. I aimed to be a Godly Woman. In my heart, I just wanted to please God and fulfill my life purpose as a disciple of Christ. I often prayed that God would use every single part of my being to glorify Him. The feeling was intense. The practice? I had at least 2 times with God daily, often three (praying and or reading the Bible), in the first year of my disciple life.
Later I realized: time with God alone was not enough. To be a godly woman, one must grow in character, and this can’t be happening without relationships with people. That is why we really need a community, a healthy community to support and promote our spiritual growth. As soon as I realized this concept, I started to fellowship more with brothers and sisters in the church. They helped me to learn more of life’s practicals. Being in prayer together with them made me grow stronger in faith despite ups and downs in life. The Bible says that when two or more people come together in His name and pray, He is there with them. (Matt. 18:20)
There were mature single women who were significant to my spiritual journey from 1999 to 2007. They tend to be very caring & helped me to grow to be a better Christian. Their commitment to Christ, love to others, and striving to do what the Bible says, are admirable. Later, some of them had blessings from God in the form of marriage. Their life stories gave us inspiration and hope. I went back to Jakarta in February 2008.
Soon, I joined an awesome Bible Talk group in PDA Four Season, a part of Jakarta Central Singles. Because of the distance between my residence and ministry activities, I decided to move to South Singles, PDA Blok M, in late 2009. I was discipled by a strong and mature in character sister at the time. Sadly, soon after, she decided to leave the church. For some time, I felt a kind of loss of direction, as she was the one who gave much input regarding how to conduct my life in relation to others. But God helped me to go through this time and it made me still learn and grow a lot spiritually. However, I longed for something that I didn’t even know or realize at the time.
In 2014, I joined Precious Women Fellowship (PWF). There I became close to mature single sisters. They came from different backgrounds, have different stories in life, but all are joyful in God. I enjoyed being in the fellowship. Then I realized, this is the community I missed and need: a nurturing and mature-aged community to draw inspiration from and grow with spiritually. I am very grateful to be in the Precious Women Fellowship. Through our lives and relationships with one another, I can see God and His glory.
In PWF’s Seven Year Anniversary, in September 2015, Psalm 27 was discussed in depth. The title of the lesson was “7 Declaration of Precious Women Fellowship”. It says:
1) I want to live strong (v. 1-3): discussing Isaiah 40 “God is my salvation” (=deliverer).
2) I will love God’s house passionately (v. 4-5): God’s house being a hospital for people.
3) I will hold my head high (v. 6): like people who won a race.
4) I will have an overflowing heart (v. 7-8): keep loving others, even when discouraged (Mat 12:34).
5) I will always turn to God (v. 9-10): we can always depend on God.
6) I will walk on a level path (v. 11-12): a firm walk.
7) I will never lose heart (v. 13-14): a strong person is one that finishes the race. Looking back, I am thankful that God had prepared me to go through a relationship break-up that happened a month later gracefully because of this lesson.
In PWF, I know many awesome sisters whom I would like to introduce. There is a single mature Christian of 16 years who has been a faithful, joyful and fired up disciple of Christ. She also has been trained into leadership as the Women’s Bible Talk leader of one of the West Singles (Gajah Mada). Her name is Yenty Khuang. Yenty has a great heart for God and others. However, as her age increases, being single, she saw one by one her friends/sisters started their new life journey as married women. She began to worry and had insecurities. She needed a community that can give her inspiration on how to live her Christian life as a seasoned/mature single. She found it in the community of Precious Sisters: Precious Women in God’s eyes. For her detailed profile and stories, please read her article. After joining PWF about a year ago, Yenty has been growing in her maturity, and also growing in the way she can be used for God’s glory.
I also know Angela Soon: a mature Christian with a non-Christian background. She has a very different journey in being a godly woman. As a young Christian but of mature age, she was called to wisdom-of-God’s life through a series of Bible Studies, which took away her worries and stress, as she learned to let go and rely on God. In her second year as a Christian, in 2019, she started to join the event for Seasoned Singles and PWF, and one year later, in May 2020, she transferred to Precious Women (PW) single ministry, the Unity Group. She was challenged to grow and to join the leadership so that she could serve according to her talents. Here in the community, we can see Angela starting to shine as a disciple and see her own self as a disciple of Christ as she started to feel the need to be involved in the family of God’s kingdom. After joining the PW ministry, she was moved by the lesson about 7F, and motivated by the community. For a more detailed story of her journey to be a godly woman, please read her article.
Three of us now have agreed on one common thing: that a supporting community is very important and influential to someone’s growth as a Godly woman. For us, Precious Women Fellowship (PWF) is a community for growing together, practicing the real meaning of living in Christ: loving God first and foremost, caring for and loving one another, learning from and forgiving each other, confessing sins to each other, sharing the gospel to others, and encouraging one another to be more like Christ.
For Yenty, a wide-eyed woman with constantly positive vibes, PWF made her aware of her area where she needed to grow, her being more mature, her life becoming more colorful, her using more of her talents to contribute to one another’s needs, and ultimately her growing into a different level of spiritual maturity. For Angela, PWF made her experience a deeper sense of ownership and belonging, feeling so enlightened and elevated by valuable Godly advices, and realized how to grow stronger from the bonding with and appreciation for each other. She also learned how to be more feminine. She stated that joining PWF is an excellent way to help mold ourselves into all the attributes of a Godly woman.
God’s timing is always best. He works out everything perfectly. (Romans 8:28). After years of waiting, last February 2020, I got married to a faithful brother in Christ. We are looking forward for God’s blessing so both of us can be parents. Meanwhile, I still treasure my bonding & friendship with the PWF community.
Carissa’s Bio
Carissa Natalie Christianto is currently in Pondok Indah Ministry, which consist of around 20 singles and 4 married couples. Have been a disciple for 21 years, and currently working as an accompanist and piano teacher.