Last year (2019) the post with the most views by far on the ICOC Teachers’ Service Team website ( was, “An Exposition of John 15,” ( written by – whom would you expect? Douglas Jacoby? Steve Kinnard? John Oakes? No! The author is Anna Hunsaker, a thirty-year-old single woman in the Northwest Region of the Denver Church of Christ, who wrote that piece as part of her graduate study work for her Masters degree from the Rocky Mountain School of Ministry and Theology. ( It received over 5000 views.
Anna grew up as a “kingdom kid” and was baptized in 2004 when she was fourteen years old.
Her first love is teaching and for the last couple of years she has gone back to that full time – last year she taught third grade, and this year she is teaching fourth.
Women Today International asked her what it feels like to be a single woman in her local congregation. “It depends on what generation you are,” she responded. The night before we chatted on the phone, she’d been at a Ted Talk-type church event, organized for the singles and their friends in her area with about 90 people. “Where I am, there are opportunities for young single women my age,” she said.
Anna’s delighted to have recently been offered and has taken a position on the Denver church’s board of directors. “I feel like our church is looking out for a voice for the women.”
Anna started dating last fall, “someone who’s been a friend for a while.” We wish you all the best, Anna! We look forward to hearing more from this inspired young teacher!