Precious Women Ministry
By: Heromi Maspaitella
Church of Christ, Jakarta, Indonesia
The Precious Women Ministry (Church of Christ, Jakarta, Indonesia) began as a monthly women’s gathering called the Precious Women Fellowship. The ministry was formed by five Precious Sisters known as the first‑generation founders in 2008. A few years later, God added more and more sisters onto the team as second‑generation founders who, together with the first‑generation founders, helped to transform the Precious Women Fellowship community into a church ministry in 2020.
The Precious Women Ministry is part of the Seasoned Singles Ministry, which, in turn, is connected to the Asian Seasoned Singles. Our vision is to become a ministry of inspirational women and stewards of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to help and support Precious Sisters to grow in 7F core values with the goal to be content, connected, and confident in life.
The 7F core values are:
- Faithful: Having a living and personal relationship of faith in Jesus as our savior and Lord (Psalm 37:28).
- Fruitful: Transformation of soul and spirit while reaching out others to faith in God (Galatians 5:22-23 and John 15:8).
- Fearless: Leading courageous lives knowing God’s constant presence (John 14:27).
- Fun: Joyful always as the scriptures become foundation of strengths (Philippians 4:4 and 1 Thessalonians 5:16).
- Friendly: Fellowshipping with believers and practical caring for the needs of others (Matthew 18).
- Flourish: Growing in grace and in the knowledge of God, especially in obedience and prayers to Him (1 Thessalonians 1:3-9).
- Feminine: Possessing tender hearts as being molded by God (1 Corinthians 7:7-9 and Proverbs 31:10-31).
The Precious Women Ministry reaches out to others from similar backgrounds, utilizes talents to build a loving and caring community, and focuses to be on a mission for God. In practice, we nurture each other to grow together and develop closer relationships, advocate kingdom family, and to not put the view of marriage on a pedestal, but to live life to the fullest that God has intended for us. As disciples of Christ, we are fully aware of the importance of growth and becoming Christlike. Therefore, the discipling of our spiritual characters (2 Timothy 3:16-17) is considered an essential part of the ministry so as to able to implement our calling (Matthew 28:18-19).
Activities consist of monthly fellowships, prayers and worships, and leadership trainings. The latest face‑to‑face activity scheduled was the Leadership Retreat: “Living in Valor & Elegance” held on 16‑18 February 2020 in Bogor, Indonesia. There were 60 leader participants from Indonesia and the SEA Region (Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, The Philippines, Thailand). Despite the current COVID‑19 pandemic, all planned activities have continued running online. God even added 12 new baptisms by the end of 2020. As for 2021, our service program is themed “Shining Like Stars” (Philippians 2:15), where we will focus on strengthening friendship between Precious Sisters within the community nationally and the SEA Region. In addition, we will strive to build better communication between Precious Sisters and their counterparts – the Faithful Brothers.