Quiet Times in Quarantine:
Five Days of Devotional Thoughts for Teens
#covidhelp #icocwomen
Day 1: Sabbath Rest
Good morning! Welcome to Day 1 of “Quiet Times in Quarantine.” Whether you’ve been in a state of isolation for several months or a few weeks, it can be challenging to feel connected to people, let alone Jesus! Let’s take the next few days TOGETHER to find peace and purpose in the Bible.
Are you with me? If so, feel free to take a picture of your quiet time set-up and use the hashtags #covidhelp and #icocwomen so that we can all connect with one another during this time!
Genesis 2:2
“By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.”
Leviticus 23:3
“‘There are six days when you may work, but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest, a day of sacred assembly. You are not to do any work; wherever you live, it is a sabbath to the Lord.’”
I used to read the Story of Creation and simply skim over the part about God resting. I mean, it’s much cooler to visualize the animals and natural landscapes being formed out of nothing. I also have a whole brain file devoted to the picture Bible images I grew up looking at... and I don’t think any of them had a picture of God resting. It’s hard to imagine.
But as I’ve read the Bible more deeply over the years, it’s clear that rest is a VERY big deal to God. God not only models it for us by resting on the seventh day (and let’s be clear, the God of the universe did not NEED to rest) but He also tells us again and again to practice it ourselves. Skim through the Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) and you’ll see what I mean.
Rest. Chances are, you’ve got a little bit more time nowadays. Why not try to create a new habit of resting? Here are some ideas for helping you to practice Sabbath rest with Jesus:
- Put your phone in the other room while you read the Bible. Read for as long as you can, without worrying about the time or taking notes. Soak in God’s Word in peace.
- Turn on some praise music and dance around your room, or even outside if there’s nice weather where you are!
- Make a list of things to pray about and find a secluded space in your house. (Maybe turn your closet into a secret prayer station!) Pray out loud, or journal if that feels better to you.
- Create something for God! Try painting, writing, sculpting, choreographing a dance. Whatever you do, dedicate it to God.
Day 2: Resting in Jesus
Good morning (or maybe good evening depending on when you’re reading this)! Let’s dive right back into this idea of resting with Jesus. Yesterday we read a little bit about Sabbath rest in the Old Testament, but today we’re going to read what Jesus taught about rest.
Matthew 11:28-30
“‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.’”
Have you ever felt weary or burdened? Maybe you can relate to the physical feeling of being weighed down by a heavy backpack full of textbooks as you trudge your way up a hill to get to school. Or maybe you’ve been overwhelmed mentally and emotionally with loss, suffering, anxiety, and fear.
Either way, Jesus extends his hand to you. He not only extends his hand to you, he offers to share the load WITH you. A yoke is a device used to connect animals like oxen for the purpose of carrying a heavy load. The load is not intended for one animal for it would be too difficult to bear. Jesus intends to do the same thing for you — he wants to share his yoke with you so that you don’t have to pull your burdens on your own. He’s got you.
Talk to Jesus about your burdens. Tell him ALL about that mess of school work you have to do, the fear you’re feeling about the state of the world, the pain you’re feeling with your strained relationships. If it’s hard for you to pray out loud or just in your head, try writing it out. First, draw a picture of a big heart on a page in your journal. Next, fill the heart in with all of your feelings. Let it be messy. Finally, trust that Jesus wants to take on ALL of your heart’s burdens. Imagine giving him your heart and imagine him embracing you in his loving arms.
Day 3: Resting with Prayer
Hello sweet girl! Let’s talk today about prayer. I know lots of women who love to spill their hearts in prayer, and I know an equal number of women who have a harder time connecting in this way. Give yourself some grace in whatever stage you’re experiencing right now in your prayer life. Let’s work together to find deeper times with God through talking to Him.
Psalm 18:1-2, 6
“I love you, Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold... In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.”
Just like any relationship, there has to be both talking and listening, right? A deep relationship with God is strengthened through vulnerable communication. Many of us are experiencing distress right now in quarantine, but we all have the option to cry out to God for help.
Prayer for some people, including myself, can feel like exposing an open wound. It feels painful at times to openly cry out in fear or pain. However, it is in these times of fierce prayer that God stands out as my rock, fortress, and deliverer. God’s steadfast spirit is made clearer to me in my times of going to Him for help.
How do you cope with distress in your life? Maybe it’s comfort by way of food or TV or social media. There are several useful tools for coping with stress and anxiety, but maybe one of the most effective is that of prayer. Spend some time releasing your fears, grief, and sadness on the One who hears your voice from the heavens. Ask for what you need. And tell other trusted confidants in your life to help you wrestle with God in prayer. He hears our voices today and every day.
Day 4: Restful Gratitude
Hello my friend. I’m glad you’re sticking with this devotional series and I hope you’re growing and connecting with God as we go. Today we’re going to talk about being grateful, a topic you’ve probably been taught about many times. But it’s ALWAYS worth being reminded about. Let’s start by reading some scriptures that will hopefully give us some inspiration for being grateful.
Psalm 116:7
“Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.”
How is your soul doing? Are you consumed with negativity, stress, or fear? Sometimes your soul needs some reminders. Reminders of God’s goodness produce a state of rest and refreshment for our souls.
There is an abundance of ways that God has been good to each one of us. You can think about a vast array of gifts and experiences in which He has demonstrated His love for us, from providing you with family and friends to giving you technology and iced coffee. He’s given all of us access to His Word and the option to have a fulfilling and purposeful life through communion with Him.
Make a hard copy list of good things that God has done. You can write it in a journal, on your phone, on Post-It notes. You could use a jar to store all of your written treasures of gratitude. Practice reflecting in this way every day. Whisper to your precious soul the many ways that God has been good to you.
Day 5: Resting in God’s Presence
Today marks the fifth day of focusing on Biblical rest as we navigate this worldwide quarantine together. On this final day of our devotional series, we’re going to talk about simply being with God. Do you know anyone who has a way of brightening up a room or making you feel better just by simply being there? I’ve had a handful of friends who have the ability of making me feel at ease just by being there in a room with me. What’s more, God’s constant presence has the ability to provide all of us with peace at any point in time.
Psalm 131:
“But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me.”
Exodus 33:14
“The Lord replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’”
Many babies are fed by their mothers’ breasts. At this point, a baby needs this time with its mother because of the sustenance she provides. However, after a baby has been weaned off of its mother’s milk, the child enjoys closeness without any expectation. Oftentimes, I can go to God when I’m in desperate need; there’s nothing wrong with this, except for when I find myself ONLY seeking His presence when I want something from Him.
“God, please help me with this assignment —”
“God, I really need you to give me a miracle right now —”
“Hey, God, please be with so-and-so —”
It’s not wrong to share your life and your desires with God, but any relationship that is filled with connection ONLY in times of need is going to feel different from a relationship filled with quality time and consistent time together. What’s more: simply BEING with God enables you to experience the core of His nature — His love, His peace, and His rest.
Take time to be with God. Settle into a cozy spot, be it your bedroom or a comfy couch, or maybe a place in your yard. Sometimes it helps me to focus on simply BEING with God when I have a cup of tea and a candle lit, but you can take the time to rest with Him however you’d like. Open your Bible and let His Word fill you up. Talk to Him about what you see in His Word. Practice focusing on one or two verses and meditate on them in silence for as long as you can.
Remember all of the things that God has done for you, and remember who He is. Take time to thank Him out loud, or perhaps in a journal entry. Listen for His voice. Ask Him to take on the burdens of your day, and trust that He loves you and is listening to you as you rest in His arms.