Devotionals for International Women’s Day 2025
Day Four of Seven
One Voice, One Identity
By BLESSY J T, Kochi, Kerala, India
Question for reflection: What is a quality about yourself that you have believed about the way that God sees you? You can choose any point during your journey with God.
Romans 8:16-17 NIV — The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. (Emphasis added.)
Identity is something that shapes a person's life. It has the power to build up or to destroy. A positive identity is something that everyone seeks or desires. All of us are in a quest for that. Everything we do contributes to making an identity for ourselves. But the Bible says we already have an identity: “we are God's children.” The church is mentioned as the family of God (Ephesians 2:19-21). Paul says that we are God's children and co-heirs with Christ. You have a new identity now. Your past, your failures, your old life doesn't define you. We are His daughters, and we share our inheritance with our big brother Jesus. Our life is now in God, and we are treated equally by God.
Can you imagine this one big happy family, created by God, where we have a father who is willing to love and accept whoever comes to him as his own as a son or daughter? Can you imagine a father who's willing to share all his rights with us without any jealousy or judgement or condemnation! To comprehend this is very difficult as it's exactly the opposite of what we experience in the world. We may never see or experience this in the World but in God's family, everything is possible. God gave us this identity by His grace which is beyond measure. We cannot earn it no matter what, but it is a gift that's given to everyone freely.
We might've gone through a great deal of pain or troubles or trauma or worries that have weighed us down and kept us from embracing God. In our identity as His daughters, we can be freer with Him than we ever could be with our earthly father. Our brokenness can often make us feel worthless. We might have an identity crisis. We can be stuck somewhere in the darkness and feel helpless and try to fix our broken identity on our own.
I was stuck in my life like that. My past and my trauma defined me. It confused me. High expectations made me lose myself and my identity. I didn’t know who I was, and I was trying to be someone that could satisfy myself and others. I was confused. Even after baptism I struggled with it for some time, until I found my identity in Christ. I finally understood that I am God's daughter and how precious I am to Him (Isaiah 43:1-4). I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), for His glory. My past doesn't define me, my traumas don’t need to rule over me because I am God's daughter now, forever. Once I embraced this identity, everything changed. I started enjoying the little things in my life. I understood that I'm chosen to be His daughter even when I am unworthy. I share my inheritance with Christ, who has given His life for me without hesitating.
Dear sisters, I want to remind you of this again. You are God's daughter. Don't believe anything else. This is your identity. Hold onto it and make it a daily practice to meditate on this truth. Embrace God as your loving father. Your past or your brokenness doesn't define you because now you are in Christ. Let's live like God's daughters every single day and cherish every moment along with God, bringing glory to God. When we live in our identity as God's daughters, we can build the church as God's family.
For further reflection:
- Is there anything holding me back from owning my identity in Christ? What is it/are they?
- What are some lies of the devil that I believe which confuse me, not allowing me to live in my identity as God's daughter?
- How does God celebrate me as His daughter? How can I be grateful for this daughterhood?
Author bio
Blessy was baptized in 2019 in the church in Trivandrum, India. She has a Masters in English. Currently she serves as a youth mentor in the church in Cochin, India.
Mar 12, 2025, 12:31:14 PM
Ruth Mursoy - Thank you for the sacrifice you've made in order to encourage us 🙏🙏👏👏👏👏
Mar 6, 2025, 2:15:57 PM
JanellaV - Blessy, thanks so much for this devotional! Isaiah 43:4 is my favorite verse in the whole Bible because it helps me understand God’s view of me: that I am precious, honored and loved by him. Remembering this has helped me move forward from my past mistakes and hurts and totally embrace the new identity God gives me as his daughter just as you described. May God bless you there in Kochi!
Mar 4, 2025, 5:15:44 AM
Kome Oseghale - My heart sings for joy when I consider myself as “ God’s Beloved”, His precious and valuable daughter. When I consider what He has done to rescue me from the darkness, it tells me just this one thing; I am valuable. I am precious. Walking in this knowledge and identity makes me leap for joy. My past is gone and my future is bright and secured because my brother Jesus has gone to prepare a place for me. I can walk daily in this confidence. I am dearly loved and valued.. ❤️
Mar 4, 2025, 2:38:44 AM
Lucy Christy Varghese - Hi Blessy Thankyou for a great reminder on our identity,& Your past or your brokenness doesn't define you because now you are in Christ. Let's live like God's daughters every single day and cherish every moment along with God,Thanks
Mar 4, 2025, 2:15:04 AM
Funmi Modupe - Thank you so much for sharing deep thoughts in your heart. Our identity, understanding it makes our lives as Christians more fulfilling. I really like that you mentor youths, I do too. Blessy I will like to connect with you. My IG is @educatewithfunmi and LinkedIn is Olufunmilayo Modupe
Mar 4, 2025, 1:47:12 AM
Jamila Gubbels - When I am happy I break out singing. I used to have a hard time picturing God break out in song for me mainly because I thought I was unworthy and that God was annoyed, irritated and disappointed with me. It took years for God to convince me otherwise through scriptures such as the ones you mentioned and Zephaniah 3: 17. To think that as a daughter I give so much joy and delight to my loving Father in Heaven that he breaks out singing over me is mind boggling and fills me up with joy, delight and confidence. Fortunately, God is patient and keep reminding me of that truth when I am down through loving relationships in Christ. Thank you, Blessy, for reminding us that we are God’s daughters and co-heirs with Christ!
Mar 3, 2025, 11:36:31 PM
Josephine D. Parjibo - I had a great reflection about my life as a disciple, thank for the spiritual excises.