The Gift of Peace
By Praseetha
Erode, Tamil Nadu, India
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27
This Christmas, God desires to gift us with peace—a quality that transcends mere feelings and embodies a character to be embraced. Once, we were estranged from God, living as His enemies, devoid of true peace. The very purpose of Jesus’ incarnation was to restore this peace in our relationship with God. Through Jesus, we are reconciled with God, and this peace should overflow into every aspect of our lives. As we reflect on this gift during this season, let us explore how we can cultivate and share this profound peace with others.
“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”
John 14:27 (NLT)
These words were spoken by Jesus to His disciples on the night before His arrest, knowing that they would soon face unimaginable trials and persecution for their faith. With these words, He assured them of a unique, unwavering peace — one that did not depend on the world’s circumstances or power structures, but on God’s presence within them. Jesus' peace, unlike the world’s, is rooted in an unshakeable trust in God.
In first-century Judea, under Roman occupation, “peace” was often understood as Pax Romana, a peace maintained by force and control. In contrast, Jesus offered an “inner peace,” a gift that allows us to remain untroubled, regardless of circumstances.
Characteristics of Inner Peace
Peace (Greek: eirēnē)
In Greek, "eirēnē" reflects more than an absence of conflict. It echoes the Hebrew “shalom” — wholeness, harmony, and spiritual health. Jesus’ peace is relational and rooted in union with God, rather than situational safety. In essence, peace is the precious gift bestowed by the Redeemer upon the redeemed. This peace would become essential for the disciples as they prepared for the intense trials.
“The peace I give” – It is Jesus’ peace
Jesus didn’t simply promise any peace. He offered His peace. This peace springs from His trust in the Father, even amid suffering. His peace is divine, not rooted in human resilience or self-discipline, but in the security of Jesus’ presence with us through the Holy Spirit. No exercises or therapies can bring this peace. It completely relies on our trust in the Lord.
The world offers peace that is based on circumstances, temporary security, or control — like the Roman Empire’s peace. In contrast, Jesus’ peace is eternal, unbreakable, and inwardly grounded in the Holy Spirit’s presence. It endures, even when external situations shift. It cannot be taken away by any person or situation. This is the same steadfast peace we witness in Jesus throughout His trials before Herod and Pilate.
“Do Not Be Afraid”
Jesus echoes a familiar refrain from the Old Testament, reminding His followers not to fear (e.g., Joshua 1:9, Isaiah 41:10). Each time God (in the OT) speaks these words, He reassures His people of His abiding presence. Here, Jesus uses this phrase to affirm His continual presence with them in every situation. The Bible includes the phrase “fear not” 366 times, one for every day of the year, even in leap years. This shows God’s desire for us to live in His peace, resisting fear and embracing His care for us.
Having grown up in a dysfunctional family characterized by broken relationships and financial struggles, I experienced a painful childhood that profoundly shaped my thoughts and emotions, often leading me to live in a state of fear. Even during moments of relative stability, I found myself preoccupied with concerns about what could go wrong. In the face of adversity, my instinctive response was to grumble and rely on my own plans, seeing self-reliance as my primary source of security.
Recently, I became aware that I had been subconsciously doubting God's goodness and His ability to intervene in my life, leading me to believe that He allowed negative circumstances to prevail. This realization prompted a deep re-evaluation of my understanding of God and my faith in Him, encouraging me to engage with Him on a more intimate level.
Through meditation on this scripture, I have come to understand that God desires for me to live in peace. His gift of the Holy Spirit provides the strength and assurance I need to navigate life’s uncertainties while experiencing His peace. I have learned that this peace is intrinsically linked to fostering a close relationship with God. While trusting in His timing and plan can be challenging, I find the rewards to be immensely fulfilling. As I practice this trust, I increasingly experience a profound sense of peace, both in my relationship with God and within myself, guiding me toward a more hopeful and centered existence.
Peace is not merely the absence of troubles and pain; rather, it is the experience of inner calm even amidst challenges. This tranquility stems from our understanding of God and our reliance on Him. It is the assurance that God is in control and is working all things together for our good. Such peace cannot be shaken or removed by external circumstances, as it aligns with God's will for us. Moreover, peace is the hallmark of a redeemed people, reflecting their relationship with God. This is the same peace that Jesus exemplified, and He invites us to experience it as well.
Questions for Reflection:
Today, as you meditate on the peace Jesus promises, reflect on these questions:
- What is your understanding of peace- is it “lack of troubles” or “the presence of Christ amid troubles”?
- How do you perceive peace as a characteristic of a redeemed person?
- How can we actively seek to experience this kind of peace in our daily lives?
- How might we become more aware of and responsive to the Holy Spirit as our comforter and guide?
- Reflecting on current suffering or fear or uncertainty in your own life, how could this passage offer comfort or guidance? How can you invite the Holy Spirit to help you trust in God’s timing?
- In what ways can this peace overflow from your life to impact others?
Today I Will:
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
- Share with someone or write a journal on how Jesus reached out to you and brought about peace in your relationship with God. (the efforts He made for you to accept His invitation)
- Practise to trust in the Lord’s timing and way, especially when circumstances are uncertain.
- Recognise the Holy Spirit’s role as a helper in your life by refusing to be self-reliant.
- Count your blessings: Write down how God delivered you in the past and thank Him.
Father, thank You for the gift of peace in this season of Christmas. Help me to trust You beyond my circumstances. Remind me daily that Your peace is with me through the Holy Spirit and help me to rely on Him, for this is the promise of my Master. Grant me the ability to live untroubled and fearless, assured that this aligns with Your purpose for me. Amen.
Commentaries on the gospel of John:
- Thayer, 1996
- Koester, 2008
- Brown, 1970
- Morris, 1989
- Witherington, 1995
About the Author
My name is Praseetha. I was raised in a Hindu family. God chose me and I was baptized at the age of 21 in Chennai, India. This decision brought challenges, including persecution and estrangement from my family, yet God’s faithfulness to me has been indescribable.
I hold an M.Phil in Biochemistry and initially worked as a teacher before transitioning to full-time ministry in 2013. My husband, Nishanth, and I were married in 2010, and we are blessed with two children: our daughter Nishitha, who is 12, and our son Jaedon, who is 9. Together, Nishanth and I oversee the church in Erode, Tamil Nadu. We pray that God may use us to strengthen the faith and unity of our congregation. I have a strong interest in reading, listening to music, and connecting with others. I deeply value relationships and enjoy spending time building meaningful connections. Driven by a desire to dive deeper into the Word, I am currently a student at the Rocky Mountain School of Mission and Theology, further enriching my journey in ministry and study of the scriptures.
Dec 13, 2024, 10:21:31 PM
Omobola Abolarinwa - Greetings and thanks to you Praseetha. May God's perfect peace continue to connect us with him and others at all times. Shalom!