The Gift of God’s Word
By Jessica Oloba
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
John 1:1-14
Ever since I studied the Bible more than three years ago, I’ve thought about how much easier my life would be if Jesus were still here on Earth. With shows like The Chosen illustrating the gospels on our TV screens, from the quarrels of the twelve disciples to the minor details of Jesus’ life, I can’t help but imagine what it would be like to be with Him daily.
I would do anything to be able to ask Jesus all my pressing questions and listen to Him preach to the multitudes. I can find myself using this reasoning as an excuse for my weak faith and lack of trust in God. I’d think, “Well, it’d be a lot easier to trust Jesus if He were actually here.”
Thankfully, God allows us to experience the goodness of His Son even now, despite Him walking the Earth more than two thousand years ago. John 1:1-14 says that Jesus is the Word of God in the flesh. Yup, that means the tattered Bible we often half-heartedly open because “that’s what good Christians do” is truly the epitome of having Jesus right there next to us.
The truth is, we have advantages that the multitudes, even the disciples, didn’t have.
People had to travel far and wide to hear Jesus’ sermons (Matthew 4:25). We can open our Bibles or phones and hear the same powerful words He spoke thousands of years ago.
Once, only men were allowed to read God’s Word. Now, men and women can open up the Bible and learn more about who God is. Once, the Bible was only translated in a few languages. Now, we have the blessing of reading the Word in hundreds of languages and dialects.
Even the disciples had to wait until Jesus was awake to ask Him their pressing questions and hear His thoughts (Matthew 8:24), but we get to hear from Jesus whenever we want through the Bible (Hebrews 4:12).
In fact, Jesus said that it was for our good that He leave so that the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, can come to us (John 16:7). The Holy Spirit, whom Jesus said is even better than having Him on Earth, speaks through the very Scriptures that teach, rebuke, correct and train us in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
Through God’s Word, we get 24/7 access to the Son of God. Through the Living Word, we are promised the answer to every question we can think of. In Matthew 7:7-8, Jesus states that when we seek an answer from the Lord, we will always find it.
Struggling with your faith? God’s Word promises to strengthen it (Romans 10:17). Trying to overcome sin? Jesus Himself used Scripture to defeat Satan in His greatest moments of temptation (Matthew 4:1-11).
Yet, if I’m being honest, God’s Word can be the last place I turn to when I need answers. I’m quick to ask friends for advice, send up a quick prayer, and eventually grow frustrated when I’m still confused about what God thinks.
When we view reading our Bibles as another thing on our to-do list, we miss out on the amazing promises and guidance God gives us directly through His Son, the Living Word.
It’s easy to read through the gospels and only imagine how our lives could look if we were in the crowds that followed Jesus everywhere. But one of the greatest gifts God has given His children is constant, unending access to His thoughts without needing to travel far and wide to hear them.
When God’s perfect Son is always available to answer all our questions, only one question remains: Will we take God at His Word?
Questions for Reflection:
Where do you turn first for answers? Is it family, friends, the internet, or something else? Why?
How can you implement God’s Word into your everyday life?
If you could ask Jesus anything, what would it be? Now, pray for God to answer through His Word and write down what you hear Him say.
Today I Will…
Find a Bible verse that speaks to you and commit it to memory.
About the Author:
Hi! My name is Jessica Oloba. I became a disciple of Jesus during my freshman year at the University of Kansas, where I studied journalism. Now, I help the campus ministry in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. You can find me writing, reading, laughing and playing volleyball.
Dec 23, 2024, 10:59:10 AM
Heidi Ammons - I need this reminder regularly. Thank you for it and thank you for passing it on and sharing what you’ve learned to the younger generation!
Dec 22, 2024, 3:22:14 AM
Tammy Fleming - Great job on this, Jessica! Inspiring, personal, one of my favorite topics. Thank you for the inspiration!
Dec 17, 2024, 9:39:17 PM
Caleb Regan - She cooked tbh I feel like she needs to write some more of them. Cuz this one 🔥